10 in 30
OUCHIE-WA-WA!!!! Wait, were you at the beach last weekend??? If so, I WAS TOO!!! We went Saturday through Monday. Floyd had to be back to work Tuesday and I had an OB/sono appointment. The weather was wonderful Saturday and Monday, but Sunday was comical sitting outside at Big Peckers in the swinging table when the big black cloud rolled over top of us and downpoured! lol Wish we could have stayed all week. Luckily we get to stay free at my uncle's "home away from home" in Fenwick just down from Harpoon Hannah's. I hope you are feeling better soon!
It was 4am on Sunday, the Westbound bridge was shut down for construction and there was two-way traffic Eastbound. 19 year old girl fell asleep at the wheel on the Eastbound bridge and swerved into the other lane in front of the 18-wheeler. The truck driver swerved to avoid hitting her, went up onto the barrier, slid along it for a bit and then went over into the bay. The truck diver was killed and the 19-year old girl is in the hospital with liver and spleen damage as well as two broken kneecaps. Initial reports show that speed may have been a factor on both sides and they're waiting for alcohol and drug results from the girl. Apparently she was either coming from her mother's wedding reception or from partying in Baltimore after the reception.