Glad your Dad is feeling better. I hope he continues doing really good.
You know one thing I do not miss about MD is the freaking drivers! LOL
I was caught in the rain coming home thank goodness I was only like 25 minutes away
but dang it these people were driving me nuts on the road.
Today I am grateful for:
1. That yesterday is over!
2. That I can't wait to see you and everyone else on Sunday. I am really excited about that.
I miss you and all my peeps so much! lol Can you tell I've been hanging around with my daughter too long. Ha ha ha
3. That school will be starting back up soon and today I go to register Gianna!!
Have a great day everyone!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Cira -
Ask Heather about Pikesville drivers!!!!!!!! OH.......MY.............GOD!!! It is SOOOOO bad!!!!
Wow!! Lots of changes in your house! Gino graduating, and..... and Gianna going back to school!! I'm sure Gino will be glad to be done with it - as will you!!!!
Can't wait to see you all!
Yes a lot going on..... Especially in the next week. I can't wait for everything to be over already. I need to exhale!
We were talking about Sunday's luncheon and we are really excited about it.
We can't wait to see you and everyone. I will probably be all emotional and you guys will have to bring tissue so when we announce our little secret! LOL
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
1. tomorrow i have off and intend on spending that day taking care of me and getting back on track w/ my eating and exercise.
2. sunday i get to go to six flags. maybe i'll be able to get on some rides i couldn't before!
3. my hubby. even though he can be a real idiot, i do love him. he is a good person and wants the best for me. i miss him lol.
Hey Nic!!
I'm so jealous that you're off tomorrow!! But yes, you do need to concentrate on you once in a while!!!
I expect a full report on Six Flags. And DO NOT beat yourself up if you can't get on ALL the rides. Remember, some of them ARE made for Oompa-Loompas, not regular sized people!!! So don't sweat it!!! Cause I know you will!!!
Today I am grateful for many things but the top 3
1) I will know for sure today if my daycare spot is filled. Love having friends of the family who have kids. Another great Mom to add to my daycare. The last one was well I need not say............but my little boys Mom is great and the new one will be too
2) Support group tonight. Been looking forward tot his since we planned it. Something very good might come of it
3) My friends and family who are there for me. My brother is getting ready to get married on the 13th and missing my dad so much lately with that and my husband and I trying to start a family, I just wish he were here phsically to see it all. I know he is up in heaven watching but to see him would be the greatest thing right now
I got stuck in the beltway traffic yesterday too. By the time I finally got to the gym, it was the last place I wanted to be! Thank goodness, I went in anyway!
1 - I am happy it is Thursday. My team in India is off tomorrow for a holiday. So I won't have to get up extra early to speak to them tomorrow. I think it sounds like a perfect day to work from home! Plus, I am having dinner with friends Friday evening. I will be less frazzled if I go to that from home.
2 - I have an appointment with my primary care MD tomorrow. There have been a bunch of little things going on with me. I am trying to decide if they are siginificant or not. I look forward to getting her input. I respect her opinion so much.
3 - I wil lbe going to a family reunion on Sunday. I have not seen many of the family members in several years. It seems like the older I get, the easier it is to lose touch. I look forward to this opportunity to see everyone and get "re-connected". At the same time I wish Dad were still here. He was always in his glory at these types of gatherings. He has been gone 12 years and I still miss him. My brother and I will have to do our best to represent our branch of the family.