Crofton Support Group TONIGHT
Hey Everyone
Just a reminder about our group tonight. Here is the info again.
We will be going to gary's personal training Facility located behind the Nautilus diner He is going to show his facility and talk about himself and also will show us some home excercises we can do if we cant afford personal training or a gym membership. His son Joe runs the crofton center and will be coming later so you can meet him. So here is the address and the time is still the same 6:00 p.m. (of course give a few minutes incase you are coming right from work) 410-507-0872 is my cell incase you need it
1612 Professional Blvd
Crofton, MD 21114
It looks like the side entrance but it is the main entrance.
Also if you know anyone else interested in coming please bring them. They do not have to be a WLS patient to join us. Gary does have 2 person group rates so you can workout with a friend We will also be grabbing a bite to eat afterwards at the Nautilus diner. They have a huge menu to choose from so everyone should be able to find something.
If you have already told me you are coming you dont have to respond to this email. If not then please let me know. EVERYONE IS WELCOMES......PRE-OPS, POST-OPS WHICHEVER SURGERY YOU HAVE HAD. Also if you are coming and have little weights can you please bring them.
One last thing I promise......LOL wear comfy clothes
Thanks and have a great day
Just a reminder about our group tonight. Here is the info again.
We will be going to gary's personal training Facility located behind the Nautilus diner He is going to show his facility and talk about himself and also will show us some home excercises we can do if we cant afford personal training or a gym membership. His son Joe runs the crofton center and will be coming later so you can meet him. So here is the address and the time is still the same 6:00 p.m. (of course give a few minutes incase you are coming right from work) 410-507-0872 is my cell incase you need it
1612 Professional Blvd
Crofton, MD 21114
It looks like the side entrance but it is the main entrance.
Also if you know anyone else interested in coming please bring them. They do not have to be a WLS patient to join us. Gary does have 2 person group rates so you can workout with a friend We will also be grabbing a bite to eat afterwards at the Nautilus diner. They have a huge menu to choose from so everyone should be able to find something.
If you have already told me you are coming you dont have to respond to this email. If not then please let me know. EVERYONE IS WELCOMES......PRE-OPS, POST-OPS WHICHEVER SURGERY YOU HAVE HAD. Also if you are coming and have little weights can you please bring them.
One last thing I promise......LOL wear comfy clothes
Thanks and have a great day
Will somebody palllleeeeeeeeeassssseee start or let me know about a support group in/around the Elkton area. Why does everybody have to live so far from me. I wanna play too. Lol.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!