Things to vent about today!
Some days we WLS folks just need to vent about things. I don't want to create anything toxic for our board, so we'll see how it goes...POST WHAT YOU WANT TO VENT ABOUT TODAY...
What bugs me tonight has the theme of people having their heads up their arses about obesity issues.
When people at the office are inconsiderate and are blocking my way to pass in the hall and move only slightly to the side, leaving a narrow passage way through which only a skinny person could slide past them. I hate having to say I need more room. It's so embarrassing and annoying at the same time. Hello? Can they not see how large I am at the moment?
When the person I have to tell at the office about taking leave for surgery soon blabs to other people in the office about it, and now everyone else feels it's ok to intrusively ask me for details about it. I just want to live in peace, dear colleagues, please. These are good people but I really like my privacy.
When people continuously ask how much weight you've lost or ask you to spin around and show them how you look after WLS, or worse, ogle you and say "Damn!" to you as if you're now really smokin' hot, where before you were apparently invisible. Ok these last ones haven't happened to me since 20 years ago, but I already fear it happening after my WLS after reading today's posts.
Here's one not about obesity;
When people do not understand how to drive, and they roll right through a 4-way stop, but stop completely in a yield area. I almost had a collision tonight coming home when somebody decided to take their turn early at the 4-way stop near my house and nearly side swiped me.
What bugs me tonight has the theme of people having their heads up their arses about obesity issues.
When people at the office are inconsiderate and are blocking my way to pass in the hall and move only slightly to the side, leaving a narrow passage way through which only a skinny person could slide past them. I hate having to say I need more room. It's so embarrassing and annoying at the same time. Hello? Can they not see how large I am at the moment?
When the person I have to tell at the office about taking leave for surgery soon blabs to other people in the office about it, and now everyone else feels it's ok to intrusively ask me for details about it. I just want to live in peace, dear colleagues, please. These are good people but I really like my privacy.
When people continuously ask how much weight you've lost or ask you to spin around and show them how you look after WLS, or worse, ogle you and say "Damn!" to you as if you're now really smokin' hot, where before you were apparently invisible. Ok these last ones haven't happened to me since 20 years ago, but I already fear it happening after my WLS after reading today's posts.
Here's one not about obesity;
When people do not understand how to drive, and they roll right through a 4-way stop, but stop completely in a yield area. I almost had a collision tonight coming home when somebody decided to take their turn early at the 4-way stop near my house and nearly side swiped me.
Good thread! I feel the need to vent a few things today....
1. When people find out how much weight you lost and say OMG! You look amazing! How in the world did you do that???? Then you tell them you had WLS and the look on their face...they just go blank....and the comment....OOOOHHHHHHH. I just want to smack them, they think you took the easy way out and don't deserve the same respect as the 'traditional' way people can lose weight. It shouldn't matter HOW, it's that you did and got healthy.
2. When someone who has lost weight and they forget where they came from and think it's OK to make comments or make fun of overweight people. That hurts on any level and one should never ever forget where they came from and that at one point in their life they too were overweight.
3. If I hear one more comment about putting on a string bikini or being 'sexy' I swear I'm going to scream. Yes, they have no clue it's uncomfortable but damn.....did I REALLY look that bad before WLS to warrant these comments now???
4. Sometimes now feeling that I have to justify what I put in my mouth to other people. Whether it's a bite of ice cream or a beer sometimes I feel that people are watching me and wondering why I'm doing that. I am human after all and at almost two years out I CAN have the occasional 'sin' as long as it's not every day.
AAAAHHHHH I feel better now!!!! LOL
Have a great and happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good thread! I feel the need to vent a few things today....
1. When people find out how much weight you lost and say OMG! You look amazing! How in the world did you do that???? Then you tell them you had WLS and the look on their face...they just go blank....and the comment....OOOOHHHHHHH. I just want to smack them, they think you took the easy way out and don't deserve the same respect as the 'traditional' way people can lose weight. It shouldn't matter HOW, it's that you did and got healthy.
2. When someone who has lost weight and they forget where they came from and think it's OK to make comments or make fun of overweight people. That hurts on any level and one should never ever forget where they came from and that at one point in their life they too were overweight.
3. If I hear one more comment about putting on a string bikini or being 'sexy' I swear I'm going to scream. Yes, they have no clue it's uncomfortable but damn.....did I REALLY look that bad before WLS to warrant these comments now???
4. Sometimes now feeling that I have to justify what I put in my mouth to other people. Whether it's a bite of ice cream or a beer sometimes I feel that people are watching me and wondering why I'm doing that. I am human after all and at almost two years out I CAN have the occasional 'sin' as long as it's not every day.
AAAAHHHHH I feel better now!!!! LOL
Have a great and happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
II am so with Heather on #4, I hate it when people say oh your eating that or you can drink wine, WTF can you eat a cookie? well so can I and it's none of your business. I am also almost 2 years out and my goal was to be normal and I believe everything in moderation is ok and very normal. Thanks for letting me vent....LMAO