Catonsville Fall Into Fitness 5K
I don't know if any of you get the St. Agnes health and wellness mag in the mail but I got mine today and they have something about a Catonsville 5K for Sept. 27. They give a website, but when I went to it, the dates they talk about were for last year's...guess its just a review from last year. You can go to another site and this one actually lists other activities coming up. Would love to be able to go to the 5K (to Hopefully I can come up with the registration fee. Just thought you all would be interested. September has great walking weather...
Me walk, yes....Me run...hell no!!!!! lol.....I go walk by the airport and thats 2 miles so I don't think walking something like that would be too bad...Heck, we just went to the Baltimore Zoo AND Ft. McHenry this past friday for the day and I got lots of walking exercise. I think the thing in Catonsville would be fun.