OT: How about those storms yesterday?
I'm glad that they are over, and you and your house are still O-tay!!
Unless it stormed after I went to sleep last night, they skipped right over my little neck of the woods. A co-worker who lives about 15 min. from work said she brought the storm with her, but it skipped right over us. It is MD, after all...
When I first moved to MD, my ex told me that if I didn't like the weather, wait a minute or walk across the street and it would change. Turned out to be about the only thing he was right about, lol
Happy Monday, one and all!.
OMG, what an experience yesterday was. I was eating dinner at the Nauti-Goose in Northeast MD and the clouds became almost black in color. I stopped at a Royal Farms on the way home and by the time I got out of the store, it was a torential downpour. Couldn't see ahead of me. Anyway, five minutes later, heading towards home in Elkton, the sun was out and not a drop of rain on the ground. Five minutes after getting home, the storm that we were just leaving hit Elkton. It was unbelieveable. But, from what I've heard, that is quite normal down here. I actually thought it was hillarious. Here I am, thinking I drove THROUGH the storm only to realize it was actually following me. Oh well, at least I got home in time to shut the windows.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
And, Aaron, I have tons of relatives up in Chambersburg. I love that place. That is my next place to move in case I ever do decide to relocate from here.