Crofton Support Group
Good Afternoon Everyone Just wanted to give you all the info on our next meeting Thursday August 14th This will not be at the Library We will be going to gary's personal training Facility located behind the Nautilus diner He is going to show his facility and talk about himself and also will show us some home excercises we can do if we cant afford personal training or a gym membership. His son Joe runs the crofton center and will be coming later so you can meet him. So here is the address and the time is still the same 6:00 p.m. (of course give a few minutes incase you are coming right from work) 410-507-0872 is my cell incase you need it 1612 Professional Blvd Crofton, MD 21114
Please let me know by Monday the latest if you will be able to attend. If something comes up that day and you cant make it please let me know. Also if you know anyone else interested in coming please bring them. They do not have to be a WLS patient to join us. Gary does have 2 person group rates so you can workout with a friend We will also be grabbing a bite to eat afterwards at the Nautilus diner. They have a huge menu to choose from so everyone should be able to find something. Also Kim will be having her surgery the next day so help me by wishing her a speedy recovery and uneventful surgery One last thing I promise......LOL wear comfy clothes
Thanks and have a great day
I Need to know by Tuesday the Latest if you are attending so I have a head count. Even if you think you will be coming I need to know
[email protected] or pm me on here.
If you already rsvp'd then you do not have to respond to this post :)
Please let me know by Monday the latest if you will be able to attend. If something comes up that day and you cant make it please let me know. Also if you know anyone else interested in coming please bring them. They do not have to be a WLS patient to join us. Gary does have 2 person group rates so you can workout with a friend We will also be grabbing a bite to eat afterwards at the Nautilus diner. They have a huge menu to choose from so everyone should be able to find something. Also Kim will be having her surgery the next day so help me by wishing her a speedy recovery and uneventful surgery One last thing I promise......LOL wear comfy clothes
Thanks and have a great day
I Need to know by Tuesday the Latest if you are attending so I have a head count. Even if you think you will be coming I need to know
[email protected] or pm me on here.
If you already rsvp'd then you do not have to respond to this post :)
I will be there. I was bummed though because I was just talking abouut the Eastern shore support group and i was going to go out for that one until I found it was the same night at 7pm.Oh well, I will do that another time. I love hearing Gary speak.It seems funny to me since i train with him but I always learn something new and he always gives good information on exercising . I am also looking forward to learning some in home exercises with everything going on I need more at home stuff. I would much rather go out to exercise because it is hard for me to push myself at home to do it but i have too. Gotta run. I will be there.Have a great day and thanks for all the great stuff you do for the support group.It is a lot of work I knoww and you have a busy life and you are making the support group with great topics and speakers and it makkes it more work but also more information for those of us that come. Thanks
I am off to Gaithersburg Wish me luck with my wonderful sense of direction. I know it is going to be a tough day.
Love Laurie
I will be there. I was bummed though because I was just talking abouut the Eastern shore support group and i was going to go out for that one until I found it was the same night at 7pm.Oh well, I will do that another time. I love hearing Gary speak.It seems funny to me since i train with him but I always learn something new and he always gives good information on exercising . I am also looking forward to learning some in home exercises with everything going on I need more at home stuff. I would much rather go out to exercise because it is hard for me to push myself at home to do it but i have too. Gotta run. I will be there.Have a great day and thanks for all the great stuff you do for the support group.It is a lot of work I knoww and you have a busy life and you are making the support group with great topics and speakers and it makkes it more work but also more information for those of us that come. Thanks
I am off to Gaithersburg Wish me luck with my wonderful sense of direction. I know it is going to be a tough day.
Love Laurie
Awww, thanks guys. I just saw this a little late but better late than never. You just swelled my head-I feel special- thanks :) I was having a bad day with my daughter and my Mom and well you guys mad me smile -Thankx. see you soon. Hey think about if we could all do the walk for obesity in silver spring together. Maybe even as a whole support group outing. Maybe car pool and walk together. What do you think?