I cringe everytime I look at my before pic.
But you will soon post a before and after pic and be very proud of your accomplishment.
I can't wait to see yours.
Best wishes!
But you will soon post a before and after pic and be very proud of your accomplishment.
I can't wait to see yours.
Best wishes!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Thanks so much everyone. I will try again tomorrow. I am exhausted and it is almost3am and I keep falling asleep sitting here. I do have some pics in my profile like Neil said. None are preop but there is one in the first couple weeks post-op. I'll get this. I see I have messages but I can't do an more tonight so when I get home tomorrow I will try. Sun we have a family meeting abouut my Mom's cancer so I will be there all day. She is an hour and 15 mins from me. Thanks again
Love Laurie
Love Laurie
I went over to see your pics on your profile and WOW! You lost 250 pounds!! That is astonishing. The only thing I can suggest with your pics is to save them again after rotating them in your photo editing on your computer,since all the after shots are sideways. To make an avatar out of any of those, you would also use your photo editing program to crop out just a face and save it as a new file and then upload that accordng to how Aaron told you. Take care and I hope to see you posting here more! Hugs,
I went over to see your pics on your profile and WOW! You lost 250 pounds!! That is astonishing. The only thing I can suggest with your pics is to save them again after rotating them in your photo editing on your computer,since all the after shots are sideways. To make an avatar out of any of those, you would also use your photo editing program to crop out just a face and save it as a new file and then upload that accordng to how Aaron told you. Take care and I hope to see you posting here more! Hugs,
Thanks, I will try but I haven't ever been able to get my pics turned around except the ones I put in albums on line like, ofoto and I don't know I have 3-4 but not recently. Al least I have disks and reg pics in my albums at home .Maybe with you all I will learn something but I never have been able to get it see "Of all the things Imiss I mmiss my mind the most" :) Gotta run hope to try in a couple hours when we get home.
Love Laurie
I still have to get back to my messages I am so slacking.I needd a few more hours and all would be good. Life is so amazing never got out of bed today and now never any time to get in. went to bed at 3:30am up 6am
Love Laurie
I still have to get back to my messages I am so slacking.I needd a few more hours and all would be good. Life is so amazing never got out of bed today and now never any time to get in. went to bed at 3:30am up 6am