Best and Worst
Hi Melissa -
I had RNY 3 years ago, and it's hard for me to remember ANYTHING bad, but I'm sure there were issues. The thing about ANY wls is that it's constantly a learning process - learning how much to eat, what to eat, etc. You may find that something that bothers you one day may not the next and vice versa. After 3 years, I pretty much know what I can eat and what I can't. My pouch still quickly tells me.
I would say that for me, the first 6 weeks were the toughest; trying to heal and move on to the next phase of food - from clear liquids, to full liquids, to soft/pureed foods to solid. It was actually pretty frightening when I look back. But the time does go quickly and as I said, it's now a distant memory.
Probably the thing that I dislike the most is the 30 minute wait period after you eat to drink. It doesn't bother me not to drink WHILE I'm eating, but the after kills me!
The best thing is how wls has given me my life back. I'm no longer on the meds that I was on pre-op, I can go places and do things that were denied to me in the past because of my weight. As far as improved self-esteem, well, that's a long battle, too, one I continue to fight with the help of a great therapist. Don't misunderstand me, though, I am STILL a work in progress, constantly evolving and changing.
Additionally, having had wls, regardless of the type I had, has provided me with the opportunity to make some of the best friends I've ever had. These women and men are truly my family. I would be lost without their constant support, friendship and encouragement. We see each other socially, too, so for those of us who didn't have much of a social life due to being overweight, it's a blessing to hang out with other folks who have been through the same thing.
I hope this somewhat answers your questions. I'm sure you'll have more, so by all means, come back!!!
Good luck on Saturday!
I like everyone else feel that this is the best thing I have ever done for myself.
My life is so much better then a year ago ; I too have made many friends that
I would never have met if not for WLS.
My weekends are now full of people to do things with- last year I spent most
of my weekends in bed or on the couch. I didn't even like going to movies
the seats were just too uncomfortable. I am going on my first vacation in
5 years in September - I never wanted to fly either so this will be another WOW
moment for me I am sure.
Instead of being a couch potato at night my evenings are spent at the gym.
My energy level has increased as well as the depression I was in is gone.
I was on medication for diabetes; highblood pressure and depression;
now I only take vitamins and supplements .
For saying I had nothing to add I guess this was rambling but I still find
it amazing after a year to look back and see the wonderful changes in my
life. One of the biggest changes is the amount of friends I have made
and I thank GOD for each and everyone of them.
on 8/7/08 4:20 am - Millersville, MD
the hardest part for me right now is creating habits. because i'm trying very hard to eat the right foods, take my vitamins, get in all my protein and all my fluids.. i am constantly having to monitor everything i put in my mouth. nothing is "old hat" yet, so i really have to play attention. this whole process really consumes your life at first. i will be happy when i know the sugar and protein content of certain things without having to read the label and can count my protein in my head without having to write it down... and so forth.