Did I Do The Right Thing?
I also had Dr. K for my surgeon. As I recall from his orientation, RNY is the way to go according to him. He also said it is difficult to switch from the band to RNY if there becomes a need to do so. I am really proud of all of you posting here, I have not really shared my decision to have surgery with many people. I changed jobs about 1 year into my surgery, so no one really knows me other than the weight I am. I did share with a coworker that has had difficulties with weight issues. Other than that, I have not felt like I wanted to share. I have a relative who was not successful with RNY, she gained it back. So, I have not wanted to be compared to her or to set myself up for failure. Not sure why I am sharing all this, maybe I am thinking it is about time to tell?
Thanks so much for responding. I always like to hear from other patients of Dr. K's. I think RNY is the only surgery that he does. I remember him going into a scarring issue when people want to make the switch from lap band. I really never considered lap band with the amount of weight that I have to loose and the diabetic issue. I do know a few people that have had this surgery. One not successful and I sure don't want to do that either. I feel like this is a last chance for me and I want to make it the best possible venture.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
You've heard from the rny crowd so now let the bandster answer

Thanks for responding. Knowing nothing about the band, I didn't want to lead her the wrong way. I had heard about going back for fills, but wasn't sure how often this happens. Plus she'll be going to Baltimore from the Eastern Shore, and that's not a little way. I hope she checks into it if it's something she really wants. I always said that the doctors make us jump through all these hoops just to see who is really capable of handling this surgery.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!

Dr Kligman had said to my husband and I that he doesnt feel comfortable doing anything but RNY. He said the complications are sooo much LESS then the others and the weight loss success is higher with RNY then the others so he DOES push the RNY. The good thing is that despite him telling everyone how much he prefers to do RNY ONLY he will still tell you the pros and cons of ALL of the surgeries and that I liked. He is a great guy. I cant wait for my surgery. (((Hugs)))
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
I agree that I would have said the same thing. She needs to find out for herself and make an educated choice. I have several research articles in my profile if you would like to share them with her. Specifically, there is an article that addressed resolution of diabetes and compares all the surgery types in regard to this HERE
For me, it ended up being a really good thing that I did not rush through the 6 mos and get scheduled right away. I needed more time to thoroughly research it and to decide what was best for me and my lifestyle and comorbidities.
I know what you mean about people asking you about WLS. I still haven't had it and they have already started asking me. I was in HR today filling out paperwork and the woman asked me, so tell me about this WLS I want to know all about it! LOL.