I missed you on the board today. I hear you are w/o internet today. So, I see this post and I can't believe I missed it.
LOL Aaron likes Eau de Onion!!
I have always had a strong sense of smell. I always have a hard time listing "favorites', but the ones that come to mind today are:
The smell outdoors when it is about to snow...I can always tell.
The smell of Coty Airspun face powder. It reminds me of my Nana, and even though I don't wear it, I bought a container and sometimes I open it and it takes me back to feeling safe, secure and loved unconditionally.
The smell of Thrashers french fries and Fisher's caramel popcorn, and copertone tan products.
I missed you on the board today. I hear you are w/o internet today. So, I see this post and I can't believe I missed it.
LOL Aaron likes Eau de Onion!!
I have always had a strong sense of smell. I always have a hard time listing "favorites', but the ones that come to mind today are:
The smell outdoors when it is about to snow...I can always tell.
The smell of Coty Airspun face powder. It reminds me of my Nana, and even though I don't wear it, I bought a container and sometimes I open it and it takes me back to feeling safe, secure and loved unconditionally.
The smell of Thrashers french fries and Fisher's caramel popcorn, and copertone tan products.