Thanks, honey!!!!
It was a BLAST talking to you on Saturday night. Or at least it was according to Heather!!! Sad to say I don't remember much - thanks for filling in the fuzzy parts!!! LOL!!!!
Yeah, you go check out my eye candy!!! It's been so long I almost don't remember it myself!!!
I'm so sorry you're getting everyone's gift of illness. Hopefully, you're getting some "help" on the home front!!
I can't wait to see all of you on the 17th!!
Love you,
1. I finished my homework for my biochem class with 4 days to spare.
2. My boss is back from vacay and I can discuss the numerous issue I have come across during the past 10 days. It will be nice to turn all that responsibility over. That's what they pay her the big bucks for.
3. I have such great kids. I love coming home to them after a long nights work and they are thrilled to see me eventhough they are 10 and 13.
Glad to hear that your dad is home now Tia. Hopefully he will continue to improve!
Today I am grateful for:
1. An awesome day visiting my sister and her family near Boston on Saturday. Although it was a very short trip, it was nice seeing them and being able to hold my 7 week old niece. She is such a cutie!
2. A lazy day yesterday. Our plane left Manchester, NH yesterday morning at 6:20am! We went to Bob Evans for breakfast after getting in at 7:30, then once home all I did was be a couch potato and nap all day long. lol
3. This morning was my pre-op class. Only 3 more weeks to go! The class really helped it sink in that this really IS happening and has me ready to buckle down and start focusing on being better prepared mentally for all of this. Ever since I got approval I have been bad with the "Last Supper" syndrome and I have to STOP it now. I joined Planet Fitness last week and have yet to make it there to work out. That all changes today!
Have a great day everyone!
Hi Tina!!
Thanks on behalf of Dad - he'll continue to improve once he stops being stubborn!!!
I'm glad you had such a good weekend.
Trust me, The Last Supper is perfectly normal. But I bet you'll find yourself eating at all of those places again - but post-op, you'll be making MUCH smarter decisions!!!
Hang in there - the next 3 weeks are gonna fly!
1 - That so many of my OH friends seem to be doing better, either personally or with their families, or the experiences they are having. I have been quite worried lately for several of you.
2 - That I had a wonderful weekend. I had a relaxing visit with my twin nephews, While my guided Kayak trip was cancelled at the last minute. My kayak friends and I salvaged the day by having our picnic anyway. We also got a chance to kayak, although one at a time, using the kayak that the one person in our group has and brought with her. I also had a great time at the movies and Wegman's on Sunday. I can't say that I am in a hurry to see Dark Knight again any time soon. But it definitely was an experience. I am still trying to decide if I liked it or not. It definitely makes an impact.
3 - For busy days. While hectic, busy days can be a blessing. I am having one today. That is why you have not seen a lot of posts from me until this afternoon. But the silver lining is that the work day is almost over and it flew by quickly because I was so busy!

Also, happy 3rd surgery anniverisary!

Very pleased your Dad is home and healthy the future will be up to him, you are a wonderful daughter to him but you can only do so much! I want to scoop on the new man and I wish you all the best!!!
My 3 things
1- Got to go to my 4 year old grandaughter's first dance retical what a princess - I so enjoyed the performance!!!
2- My boss, I love the man!! I could not ask for a better work situation
3- My oh friends without them I do not know what I would do!!!!
Today I am thankful ...
that you and Nicole both started a Three Things Thread. We have a dedicated group here.
that I am getting to know a great bunch of people here on this board.
that I have less than 2 mos until my WLS!