3 things for Sunday
Well I hope everyone survived those nasty storms yesterday.
my three for today are
1. Going to the movies with friends today and meeting up with new
people from the board ( OK maybe not new but I haven't met them yet )
2. Got my exercise in yesterday and spent the evening sitting
and talking with friends.
3. Thats its Sunday and I don't have to go into work: Gonna go to
church with Mom and Dad this AM ; then hit the gym for a half hour or so
then head to Hunt Valley for the Movie and lunch/dinner.
So have a great day everyone : catch some of you at the movies later
and everyone else for Mon days 3 things.
Im thankful for:
1. Not crying when I put my 9 year old and 16 year old on a plane to Florida this morning...They will be back in 2 weeks, but still...Its emotional...
2. Meeting new friends...The last few weeks I have met some spectacular people...
3. Having money to pay bills AND still have a "life" afterwards..(dont know for how long though..lol)...there are soo many people out there who just live from pay check to pay check and is not able to go out to dinner, to the movies, etc etc etc...Im almost to that point, BUT I feel blessed that I can take some ME money every now and then and it wont F our budget to hell....
I am glad you had a great time last night. I know I did too! Sorry I had to break out on you guys the way I did. The pouch rules! LOL
Have a great time at the movies and when you see Jennifer H at the movies & lunch. Give her a hug from me!
Today I am grateful for:
1. Verizon has not gone on strike yet and they called in Gino for some overtime this morning. So he works a double today. I pray they agree on a contract quickly!!
2. for the day nice day I spent with my husband and children yesterday.
3. For the storm not being as bad as they predicted yesterday.
Have a great day!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
#1 - I woke up and was given a beautiful day to enjoy. I feel good, I am healthy and I am happy.
#2 - The food network, I love that channel, I watch it all the time. People think it will make me eat and be crazy.... not the case I just love the entertainment of the whole thing. Weird I know....
#3 - My circle of great friends, the ones I've had for years, the ones I have just made and the ones I have reunited with. I look forward to making that circle larger.
I am most grateful everyday for my husband who without him (crazy as it sounds ) I would not know what I would do. We recently had a heart attack scare with him and are awaiting test results, the prospect of something terrible happening brings everything into perspective.
Every day we have is a gift and we need to make the most of it.
Tell people you love them everyday becasue it's not promised
Talk soon. Hope all is good and happy with you.
1. I attended a wedding yesterday and half of the people (some I have known for over 20 years) did not recognize me.

2. I get to spend part the day with my husband as he is off and I don't have to be at wor****il 7 pm.
3. For the first time this week I feel relaxed. I've had tons on my mind and plate. RIght now I feel like I can breath.