Consult yesterday - starting to get excited
Then, went to my primary care and found that I do, indeed, have 3 documented months of dieting - so, only 3 more to go. Unfortunatly, I haven't done too well on my diets since I decided on surgery - so, I've gained weight over past 3 months. My plan is, to go today to my gym, and hire a personal trainer. I had great results with one before I got pregnant - and know that "someone checking on me " gets me to actually go to the gym. And, that way I can take my reports from them to my doc or the nutritionist or whoever I complete the next 3months diet with!
Monday I need to schedule my appt. with the nutritionist and for a psych eval - I hope the wait isn't too long. I'd love to have surgery in the end of Nov, early Dec!
BTW... anyone know if they count the diets as "you must be weighed in every 30 days" or is it calendar month? If it is calendar month, I had 6 wks between my June and May weigh, we didn't count it - since I want to do 3 months with a nutritionist anyway...but, am now wondering if it takes me a while to get in to see one, if I may just stick with documentation from my primary, and just get info from the nutritionist (while sticking to a tried and true weigh****chers plan). In which case, I can document 4 months already.
Congratualtions on your consult. I did not have Dr.Singh I had Dr. Averbach but I have have heard nothing but good things about Dr.Singh. Deb (k9krazzi) had Dr.Singh and she cannot say enough good things about him!!! I did not have to do the six months of superised weight loss however,I do think it has to be 6 calendar months in a row with no break or it can be 3 calendar months in a row and then a break with 3 more in a row either way it must total 6 months uninterrupted. It sounds likeyou are on your way. If you check with Cathy the nurse in Dr. Singh's office she can fill you in, she is wonderful!!! You will also like Arlene Swantko the nutriionist she is so knowledgable. I did use Bea for the psych stuff so I can't comment on her.
Good luck.
One thing that I remember is that if you need 6 months of dieting then you need 6 consecutive months or you will have to start it all over again. make sure to find that soon so there aren't anymore delays incese you have to start again.
Good luck!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
I'll call the surgeon on Monday - but, it looks to me, like I've got documentation back to June. I was more concerned that it would be "every 30 days" - and I may have back further with the month not calendar days (I have a weigh in for 5/7, then one for 6/23).
...and thank you for the welcome here. This is only my second post, but I am already happy to have found such a supportive and friendly group.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!