Time for some happy news!
I wanted to put up an update on my pregnancy since I just had a visit this week. My blood pressure is better than ever (thanks for the layoff BFC - it's done wonders for my health! lol), blood sugar is normal (thanks to a little insulin), and the baby is measuring exactly 18 weeks which is where we are. I have only gained a total of 3 pounds (it was 6, but I'm down 3 now!) so my lap-band is working great and perfectly fine still filled (7cc in a VG) since the baby is doing well. The perinatalogist is fine with me not gaining much at all. Tuesday's sonogram was very good. The baby has all the organs, limbs, etc that it should, but we need to go back in 2 weeks because the tech couldn't get the baby to turn so she could see the lips and nose (checking for cleft palate and Down's). But, we DID see that the baby is going to be.............................ANOTHER GIRL!!!! That's all the news for now. I'll post again as we get farther along.
Girl Congratulations to you again! 

I am so happy that everything is going great and that I am getting a new little niece. I love baby girls!

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal