My cell will not stop ringing, from friends, now family and friends from my other board. I just can't talk right now. I am not in a good space and just need this time. Leave me a message I will try to return everyones call later. Please understand I am trying to process all of this and heal at the same time.
I need to deal with my family right now, my mother is calling me.
Thank you, Hugs Kristen
I need to deal with my family right now, my mother is calling me.
Thank you, Hugs Kristen

Girrrrrlll: Sounds like you've been through it the last few days! That's what you get for taking a whole week at the beach! Thanks for posting and trying to protect the OTHERS on this board. I know you're probably overwhelmed right now, but if you need me you know where to find me.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!