Despite that, today, I'm grateful for:
1. Delivered Flowers - Regardless of who they're from, I get such a thrill from hearing, "Teresa Eitel, you have a package at the front desk...." well, provided it's not TICKING!!! Anyway, last week, I managed to get some free O's tickets for a retired Trooper friend and his wife and their family who was coming in from out of state. Nothing elaborate, and I don't use this connection often, but it's a nice perk. Anyway, I got a call yesterday that there was a package for me, usually it's just legal documents, so I didn't hurry, so the DO calls an hour later and says, "They're gonna wilt!!!" So I go over, and it's the MOST beautiful purple arrangement (I'm a purple fiend), with a note from my friend's wife saying, "Thanks for taking care of us this weekend and for taking care of Joe all those years!" AWWWWWWWW!!!! Simply not necessary, but it made my day. So....anyone who wants my address........
2. Men - Yeah, always. This a.m., as I was pulling into the compound, I was in front of a HUGE red truck driven by - you guessed it, a bald guy. I thought he was a Trooper, so I didn't pay much attention. As I got out of my car, he came around the corner and said, "I'm following you," and I thought, "Okay, cutie, all the way to Middle River!!!" OMG!!! He was GORGEOUS. Turns out he's an applicant from PA who is relocating to here. Of course, he'll likely forget about me, but I did tell him my name and showed him my building. Nice just the same!!! Plus, I checked my emails, and got a message from a dating site that I've received two "smiles." Of course, knowing my past luck, it'll be from a woman, a married man or someone who lives in Albania. SIGH. It CAN'T be that hard, and I CAN'T be the only single girl left in the world.
3. The fact that I'm wearing a skirt - with no hose!!! Can't believe I actually was brave enough to do it, but the good thing is, the guys I work with are fairly brain dead, so I could probably wear shorts and they wouldn't know it. Makes ME feel good though, and that's all I need. Well, that and a bald man.
Have a good one!
1.) I have never felt so good about me today. I am happy with the person I see in the mirror today.
2.) I love my job this week, working in the hospital this week has taken me to a different level and so many wow moments of people I have not seen in awhile
3.) My support here at OH, never knew I had so many friends, thanks for all your calls, TXT and PM's You all rock my socks
4.) Almost forgot, 2 days till Hotlanta!
1. Tomorrow is payday for me!!!! WOOHOO!!!
2. oddly enough....Men....my OH boyfriend talked me down from the ledge yesterday.....still depressed but not as bad as yesterday
3. I'm thankful for my granny diaper butt. I've got my big pants on today where I have to reach behind me to get into the front pockets LOL
I love purple flowers!!
1. For my RNY! It feels great to be able to mow the lawn on a .33 acre lot plus the front lawn too and not fall on my face with exhaustion.
2. That my kids are on the mend!
3. For all the wonderful support that I get from my OH family. Thank you for all the messages!
I hope you all have a great day!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh OMG I can't believe you said that! LOL
Sorry you had a rough week. Glad you are feeling better.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal