(deactivated member)
on 7/27/08 10:20 pm - Middle River, MD
Hey everyone!!  Yes, I'm back - like it or not!!  LOL!!!  Hope everyone had a good week.  I was kept up to date while I was gone (thanks Aaron, Darla, Heather, etc.),  and caught up reading the posts yesterday, so I guess I'm up to date!!!

Today I'm grateful for:

1.  The beach/sun/sand/pool/boardwalk - Thought I'd wrap it all up into one!!!  We had a great time!  Spent too much money, ate some bad things, had a few drinks, got some sun, enjoyed people watching on the boards, played some games, read a few books (3, down from my all-time OC high of 10!), and just generally enjoyed ourselves!!  When we left on Saturday, gas was $3.80 at a station outside of OC - can you say fill 'er up???!!!

2.  My family, as always, but in particular, my sweet B, who turned 9 while we were there (the day before Eric turned 29 - again!).  He is SUCH a good boy, he loved his Legos and Pokemon gifts and was just happy to spend the day riding rides and playing games.  He doesn't ask for much, and is content to sit in his footed pj's and play his DS.  The only thing he really wants out of life is for his sister to stop torturing him.  Of course, since she knows that, she does it all the more.  Hence my few drinks at the beach!!!  He's such a handsome critter, too, big blue eyes with eyelashes that I can't achieve with primer AND two coats of mascara and sandy blonde hair.  Considering what a huge baby he was (8 lbs., 15-1/2 oz., and 19-1/2" long), he's SUCH a munchkin now - barely weighing in at 60 pounds!!!!  What a lucky Tia I am!!!

3.  Lisa & Deb - OMG!!!  These girls are AWESOME!!!  They drove to OC to meet me for lunch last Sunday - and 3 hours later, we were still there!!!!  It felt like I'd known them forever, we just started yakking as soon as I sat down and were still at it hours later!!!  Thanks, girls!!!!  You women are the bomb!!!  Let's do it again - and Lisa, I am SOOOOOOOOO up for a spa day at the Cambridge Hyatt!!!!  Let's do it!!!

4.  Sarcastic sayings - I saw lots of great signs and bumper stickers in the stores there - Some of my faves:  "Life is too short to drink bad wine," "Hormones allow me to go from 0 to scratch your eyes out in 6 seconds flat," "And then God made chocolate.  And he saw that it was good.  So he made more.  And then he separated the light from the dark.  And it was good!" and "When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas!!"  All so VERY true!!  But my very favorite, which was SO appropriate after spending a week with 6 very different, yet similar personalities - "Choose your dog carefully.  It's the only chance you get to pick a relative!"

I did have two epiphanies while I was there - I shared the most important with Aaron as the waves crashed in the background.  During past vacations, food was an important activity or event for the day - after breakfast, I'd be thinking about what I might eat on the boardwalk and/or for my next meal.  Not any more.  It just isn't important - besides its obvious importance in sustaining life.  Now, finally, after 3 years, I can say I eat to live, I DON'T live to eat.  I'm sure I'll ALWAYS struggle with food addictions, but that's okay, I can handle it.  Like I said, I ate some bad stuff - about 8-10 Thrasher's fries - in the past, I could've eaten a medium all by myself, a baby-sized scoop of light ice cream - in the past, it would've been a 3 scoop sundae, and some pizza - just a piece - in the past - 8 pieces plus salad to make it healthy!!!  So I did okay.  Walked a lot, too, so the scale didn't show much difference on Sunday, for which I was VERY grateful!!!  And today's a new day and I'm right back on track.

The other epiphany involves - yep, you guessed it - men.  I'm just tired of pursuing people who clearly don't want to be involved with me.  I'm tired of waiting, hoping people will come around and realize that I'm a good, kind, decent, loving person with a solid character, good family values and morals.  Sweeties, if none of you can see it, that's your loss.  Mr. Right WILL come along - but on God's terms, not mine, so I just need to let go, clean out the mental closet and move on, taking care of myself, my real friends and my family.  The rest will fall into place!!!  Simply put, and I guess this applies to friends and men - I don't have time for people who don't have time for me!!!

So that's it for me.  I'm sure I'll have more to add throughout the day - don't I always???  LOL!!!
I missed you guys!!!  Tell me what's happening!!  And again, thanks for the calls, texts, emails and pm's!!!!


Nicole T.
on 7/27/08 10:37 pm
Tia is back! whoooohoooo. I missed you girl! A bunch of us went to see a movie Saturday and was a blast. You will definitely have to go with us next time. What I am grateful for:

1. My husband is back. He left Thursday for a business trip and wasn't able to contact me at all during his trip. I was a wreck. But Sunday night he finally was home and we were so happy to see each other. It made me realize how much I love him.

2. Meeting new friends. It's great to be having more of a social life. I haven't had that since college. So I am happy I have found all you guys. And there are so many more of you to meet. So i can't wait for that!

3. Forgiveness and acceptance. I wasn't perfect this weekend but I have learned to not judge myself harshly for whatever mistakes I make. I just dust myself off and get back on the horse. This is a life journey and will not end until my last breathe so I should just accept who I am and enjoy my life as much as possible. But overall, my life is so much better. I actually have a pretty clean house and moving around is so much easier. I am excited to continue losing weight and doing more things!
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/08 10:47 pm - Middle River, MD
Hey Nic!!!

I missed you, too!!!  I need to PM you - among other things, I have a great new (EASY) recipe I want to share.  As soon as I can breathe, I will.

Darla did ask me to go on Saturday, but I was beat by the time we got home.  Next time - and don't forget August 9!!!  Can't wait to see you again!!!

Glad things are getting straightened out - physically AND mentally.  One day at a time, sweetie!!!


Nicole T.
on 7/27/08 10:54 pm
thanks tia!!! looking forward to your pm. and i got aug 9th on my calender.
on 7/27/08 10:51 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
1.  You are BACK !!!!

2.  You had a wonderful vacation

3.  We had a fun filled sunday with the fire truck .. met lots of new people and found out stuff about Mack's 'heritage' (even got some pictures of him when he was a younger truck in service in Baltimore County) ... I took LOTS more pictures (can you imagine .. ????)

4.  It's Monday and I might see the end of one of my projects in sight!!!

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

Debbie L.
on 7/27/08 11:13 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good Morning Everyone! And Welcome Back Tia!

My 3 Things:

1 - New Friendships - I had a great time Saturday night at the movies. The movie was fun. I don't care what the critics say. I haven't laughed out loud like that at a movie in a long time. But most importantly, I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know some more of my OH friends in person. These in-person experiences make me even more aware of the nuances of each individual's personality and just how special each and every one of them is.

2 - Pedicures - This indulgence just makes me feel so good. Sometimes, a girl just needs a little pampering!

3 - Shopping and Sales - Even though the scale has not been moving much lately, there must still be some shifting going on. I stopped into a few stores this weekend and picked up a few bargains. In the process, I discovered I have gone down another size in tops. As Martha would say, it is a good thing!
(deactivated member)
on 7/28/08 12:06 am - Middle River, MD

Hi Deb!!

Thanks!!!  I'm sorry I didn't go Saturday - we got back late and I was beat and frazzled!!!  It's always something with my family!!!!

I'm right there with you on the pedicures - although mine are of the home-grown variety, I still like for them to like pretty.

I found some great stuff at Cato in the West Ocean City outlets - CHEAP, TOO!!!  WOO-HOO!!!!  And down another size???  You'll waste away to NOTHING!!!!  Good job!!!



(deactivated member)
on 7/28/08 12:04 am - Middle River, MD
My Moie!!!

Oh, I missed you SOOOOOOOOO much!!!  I wanted to call you last week, but the time just got away from me!!!

Glad you had fun with Mack - you???  Pictures????  Nahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I talked to Cira yesterday, she feels the same way you do, but as I stated, I WILL hunt you down - I know where you live and work, where Mr. Mo works, and Lefty's already said he'll help me out!!!!

DO IT!!!  BTW, today is Terry M's 3rd surgiversary!!!  Can you believe it?  I called her and left her a vm, and I am gonna post something for her - she's done such amazing things - she's my hero!!!


Darla P.
on 7/27/08 11:16 pm - Timonium, MD
Today I am grateful for:

1. THAT TIA is HOME: welcome back girlfriend ; we missed you

2.  That I have got my butt back to exercise like I used to:  made it  5 out of 7
days last week: WOOHOO

3.  For August 9th:  My makeover

4.  41 days to VACAY

5.  For new friends:  had a blast Saturday night ladies.

Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 7/28/08 12:14 am - Middle River, MD

Thanks, DP!  Missed you, too!!!  Thanks for the updates and for picking up the slack while I was gone!!  I did miss it - or MOST of it!!!!

I need to get to the gym, and was planning on it tonight, but Gary's cat is NOT doing well, no eating/drinking/voiding in a day or so, and I'm afraid tonight may be a horrible errand.  We'll see.

Looking forward to your makeover, too!!!  And spending time with my girls!!!!!

Glad you had fun on Saturday.  Sorry I couldn't make it, but I know you understand.



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