down in the dumps

First off a HUG. I'm sorry about your marriage ending, and about the stress you are feeling right now.
Below your avatar, it says you had surgery July 8th, but in this post you said you were getting really close to having surgery but have to start the process over again, so I can't tell which surgery you mean.
Your husband cannot cancel your insurance without his employer sending you a letter letting you choose COBRA. This is your right. Is the new insurance at your work a different company than the one you had through your husband? If it's a different one, do they cover your surgery?
Which part do you have to start over again? I would think getting authorized and scheduled should be all, right?
You can still use all the documentation from the pre-op weight program and all your preop tests and weight history for this other insurance and have your surgeon's office send in a request to them for surgery preauth. Don't give up. You can do this.

OH, I see what you mean about the open enrollment thing. If your lawyer said so it must be true. I hope Karma comes and bites your ex in the @$$. You have a right to be angry.

I would talk to my lawyer, something does not sound right, I am not sure he can do that. It depends on your agreement but I would check that out. Stay positive, I know it is easier said than done. This will all pass. Just think in a year you will be divorce and moving on. You will have your WLS and be healthy for your two girls. STAY POSITIVE! Time for one of these.

Hugs Kristen
I am so sorry that you are going through all this. I know that no one want to hear that eventually it will get better, but it will. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. You will get through all this and come out a better person in the end. Take care of you and if you ever feel the need to vent you are more then welcome to PM me.
on 7/27/08 11:11 pm - Millersville, MD