cold feet
Hey everybody. Let me start by saying that I am so glad that I found this website. This is a rich resource full of wonderful people. I have gained so much insight from you all. I am having a bad case of cold feet. I started thinking of all of the opinions and judgements that I have had to get pass and they came back yesterday. Surgery is 7/30/08. My son is nervous that I will die and not come home. Some of my family members are feeling apprehensive. However, I must do this for me. Did anybody else go through this before WLS? I don't mean to whine, but I know that I can get insight from you guys. Thanks.
Welcome to the MD board first off
Secondly..............what you are going through is totally Normal. I think every one goes threw this. You said it before you are doing this for YOU. It's also major surgery so of course you are
Just take a step back and take a deep breath. It is a ride you will be glad you got on
Wishing you all the luck and keep us posted
Secondly..............what you are going through is totally Normal. I think every one goes threw this. You said it before you are doing this for YOU. It's also major surgery so of course you are
Just take a step back and take a deep breath. It is a ride you will be glad you got on
Wishing you all the luck and keep us posted
I am still preop, but from what I have read here on OH, everybody goes through this and it's called the "two week freak". It's completely normal since you are about to go through a major change and major surgery.
Also people go through a brief week after surgery of "buyers remorse" when you may feel like " what have I done??!!" but it quickly passes.
You have come this far and remember if obesity is untreated we will die from that/comorbid medical issues, so if we get surgery we have a chance at more years of life. I choose a healthier life.
Best of Luck on the 30th!! Hugs
Also people go through a brief week after surgery of "buyers remorse" when you may feel like " what have I done??!!" but it quickly passes.
You have come this far and remember if obesity is untreated we will die from that/comorbid medical issues, so if we get surgery we have a chance at more years of life. I choose a healthier life.
Best of Luck on the 30th!! Hugs
Hi and welcome to the board
What you are feeling is what we all feel preop: Its totally normal.
You are not whining: you are seeking support from people who have been there done that.
My only advice is trust in God that this is the right thing for you and he will see you thru this.
As far as your family : encourage them to not scare your son : them voicing their concerns
in from of him will make it worse.
Take care : You are doing this for you & your son : a happy healthier Mom is a great
future for him.
What you are feeling is what we all feel preop: Its totally normal.
You are not whining: you are seeking support from people who have been there done that.
My only advice is trust in God that this is the right thing for you and he will see you thru this.
As far as your family : encourage them to not scare your son : them voicing their concerns
in from of him will make it worse.
Take care : You are doing this for you & your son : a happy healthier Mom is a great
future for him.
you are in the right place my dear. everyone on here will help you through this time. i looked at your profile real quick. sometimes there are reasons to be wary of having the surgery but you look like the perfect candidate. plus, you have one of the best doctors from what i understand. so you are in perfect hands. i know this is scary. you spent your whole life w/ a normal stomach and now you won't. the first two weeks were so hard for me. i wanted to eat like i used to so bad. and every once in awhile i feel that way again. but overall, the surgery was the best thing i could do for myself. it's giving me a chance to live a life that is worth living. you have children who are scared and that is normal also. you might want to see if someone who has had the surgery could talk to him so he can see for himself that this is a very positive step you are taking. any one of us would be willing to do that for you. just ask! good luck sweetie and i can't wait to see how far you go!
You are totally normal and these feelings are totally normal. Heck, the day of my surgery right before the nurse was going to stick me for my IV I busted into tears and he asked me if I really wanted to do this and I could still back out. At that point, I dried my eyes and said NO WAY! Let's get this party started! LOL And the rest is history. You are doing this for you, friends and family are going to be apprehensive, that's normal too. You are not whining, you are being 100% normal and running through the expected emotions before having major surgery and changing your life. It's going to be OK. Take care and if you want you can always PM me.
You are totally normal and these feelings are totally normal. Heck, the day of my surgery right before the nurse was going to stick me for my IV I busted into tears and he asked me if I really wanted to do this and I could still back out. At that point, I dried my eyes and said NO WAY! Let's get this party started! LOL And the rest is history. You are doing this for you, friends and family are going to be apprehensive, that's normal too. You are not whining, you are being 100% normal and running through the expected emotions before having major surgery and changing your life. It's going to be OK. Take care and if you want you can always PM me.
Hi there,
As a patient of Dr. Moeinolmolki's I will try to reassure you that you are in the best of hands. I have an 11 year old son, not sure how old your son is, and he had the same worries. I hated to see him worry at such a young age, but I just kept reassuring him that this was the best decision and I included him in alot of my research about WLS so he could understand more what I was going to be going through.
Some people experience buyer's remorse afterwards, I can honestly admit that I did. I couldn't understand why I couldn't just diet and exercise to lose this weight, but I finally admitted to myself that this was the best decision of my life and now at 5 months post op and 81 lbs lighter, I wouldn't change it.
I lost friends throughout this, they weren't supportive of my decision and then I realized, it took me a while to, that if they were truly friends they would want the best for me. Looking back I realized that some of their issues, were that I was no longer going to be what I considered as the DUFF, Designated Ugly Fat Friend and that they may have to take on that role which is something they weren't comfortable with.
All in all you have to do this for you, and not for anyone else. I realized that my true friends, are my cheerleaders and have been there through the ups and downs and my everyday motivator. My quality of life has improved drastically and I have a different optimistic outlook on so many things now.
Good luck with everything, you are in great hands with Dr. Moeinolmolki.
As a patient of Dr. Moeinolmolki's I will try to reassure you that you are in the best of hands. I have an 11 year old son, not sure how old your son is, and he had the same worries. I hated to see him worry at such a young age, but I just kept reassuring him that this was the best decision and I included him in alot of my research about WLS so he could understand more what I was going to be going through.
Some people experience buyer's remorse afterwards, I can honestly admit that I did. I couldn't understand why I couldn't just diet and exercise to lose this weight, but I finally admitted to myself that this was the best decision of my life and now at 5 months post op and 81 lbs lighter, I wouldn't change it.
I lost friends throughout this, they weren't supportive of my decision and then I realized, it took me a while to, that if they were truly friends they would want the best for me. Looking back I realized that some of their issues, were that I was no longer going to be what I considered as the DUFF, Designated Ugly Fat Friend and that they may have to take on that role which is something they weren't comfortable with.
All in all you have to do this for you, and not for anyone else. I realized that my true friends, are my cheerleaders and have been there through the ups and downs and my everyday motivator. My quality of life has improved drastically and I have a different optimistic outlook on so many things now.
Good luck with everything, you are in great hands with Dr. Moeinolmolki.
Hey Guys,
Thanks so much. I feel a little better this evening. I went to Walmart and was able to get the chewable vitamins that I need and some other things. I attended a funeral today and although it was a funeral, I was inspired through a song that I have heard a hundred times. His Eye is One the Sparrow reminded me that if God watches the little birds and created me to have dominion over them than I know that He will take care of me. I have been blocking out so many distractions. I know that I will be glad that I made this choice. I am so glad that I found this website. I will be certain to keep everybody posted. it make take me a few days, but I will be sure to post. God Bless you all................Tracey
Thanks so much. I feel a little better this evening. I went to Walmart and was able to get the chewable vitamins that I need and some other things. I attended a funeral today and although it was a funeral, I was inspired through a song that I have heard a hundred times. His Eye is One the Sparrow reminded me that if God watches the little birds and created me to have dominion over them than I know that He will take care of me. I have been blocking out so many distractions. I know that I will be glad that I made this choice. I am so glad that I found this website. I will be certain to keep everybody posted. it make take me a few days, but I will be sure to post. God Bless you all................Tracey