3 Things For THURSDAY
Today is a good day to be grateful for so much but these are the main ones that come to mind first thing.....
1. That through this whole 5DPT I have learned things that I didn't even realize that I had let slip and am back where I need to be.
2. That I make more than minimum wage. Even though they just rose minimum wage I could not see being able to survive on that. God bless people who do! That's a tough road and when I think I have it tough on my salary I need to remember that there are whole families out there surviving on one income making minimum wage.
3. I am grateful that I do have patience and tolerance. I work with some people who can get on my last nerve very quickly but I still maintain the best I know how because I know I have to.
Hope everyone is having a good Thursday so far!!!!!!
1 - New friends, old friends - It was a small intimate support group (Dr. vR at St. Agnes) last night. Teri Y. and Pamela - you both look great and it will continue to get better from here! Terri F. It was good to see you again too. It was also good to see some folks that I remembered from the GBMC Support Groups as well.
2 - The inspiration of others. I am really struggling this week. I have been inspired by the group doing the 5DPT - I don't remember how this is supposed to go. But I am trying a little back to basics myself to see if this can get me on track. I am trying only fluids today. (If someone can tell me how this is really supposed to go, I would appreciate it.)
3 - 2 More Days Until the Weekend - For some reason this week has been tough. I have been trouble getting up in the morning. I think I need a break! Last weekend, while good, was just too crazy busy. This weekend, my time is more my own and I am looking forward to it.
Have a good day everyone!