So did you go to your High School Reunion?
My 20th was back in 2006 but I didn't attend. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it), I'm an Army brat and we moved around alot when I was growing up. I did my first 3 years of high school in Morocco in a school of 150 people K-12. Moved to Northern VA for my senior year to a school of 6000 people 7-12. Talk about culture shock!! Needless to say I didn't make all that many friends that year, mostly due to my shyness and low self esteem, so I don't think I'd know anyone anyways. However, many of my high school classmates from Morocco ended up in the Washington D.C area or travel to the area. I really have wanted to get together with them but have always turned down invitations to get together because I'm soo embarassed about my weight, even though I was never "thin" in high school. After I have my surgery and get to a weight that I'm comfortable with, I am going to be the one to plan a reunion. Can't wait!