So did you go to your High School Reunion?
I went to my 25 year reunion in 2006 (helped plan it, too!), and I had such an amazingly good time.
Please go to yours. You'll be so disappointed if you don't make it.
One thing that really stuck out with me at mine, was the women. Here was a bunch of 42-43 year old women, and almost all of them looked FABULOUS! I have to admit, almost all of them looked much more beautiful at this age than they did at 18 years of age. Truly.
And besides, you have anew body to show off. What better place to do that than at your reunion. Hell, at a minimum, you'll get a new dress out of the deal.
Turn in your RSVP before you forget. :)
Please go to yours. You'll be so disappointed if you don't make it.
One thing that really stuck out with me at mine, was the women. Here was a bunch of 42-43 year old women, and almost all of them looked FABULOUS! I have to admit, almost all of them looked much more beautiful at this age than they did at 18 years of age. Truly.
And besides, you have anew body to show off. What better place to do that than at your reunion. Hell, at a minimum, you'll get a new dress out of the deal.
Turn in your RSVP before you forget. :)
Why, thank you very much, Heather. 
After hanging out on the forum for a few months now, I finally committed to being an active member, not just someone who lingers around periodically.
It takes me a while to warm up to new people and new situations, and I'm now over my "standoffish" stage. You have all made me feel so welcome.
The avatar photo is actually a couple years old. It was taken the week I had my son, and he's now 2 1/2. I have more recent photos under my profile. They are of me and my husband, Bob, on our wedding day a few months ago.

After hanging out on the forum for a few months now, I finally committed to being an active member, not just someone who lingers around periodically.
It takes me a while to warm up to new people and new situations, and I'm now over my "standoffish" stage. You have all made me feel so welcome.
The avatar photo is actually a couple years old. It was taken the week I had my son, and he's now 2 1/2. I have more recent photos under my profile. They are of me and my husband, Bob, on our wedding day a few months ago.
I am so glad you decided to commit to being active. I was very active on here when I started then was off the boards for a long time now back again.....and I'm glad I am. I missed it. I will make sure to look at your profile today if that's OK and see your pics. I have just posted some more recent ones and am glad I did. I even enjoy seeing my changes!
OMG, this is one topic that I absolutely love talking about. In fact, in almost 2 1/2 years since I had my surgery, my biggest WOW moment, by far, came at my 20th class reunion in November of 2006 (did I just say 20 years?). I had reached my goal weight just prior to that. Actually, I went to the reunion 8 pounds UNDER goal!
All I can say is thank God for nametags. Growing up, I was a pretty good athlete. I played football, baseball and I wrestled. I started playing football when I was 10 and I was on the offensive line, mostly center. I was best friends with my quarterback from my early years all the way through high school. In fact, we were on the same midget football team, junior high, freshman, junior varsity and varsity. I was always the starting center and he the starting quarterback. The center/quarterback relationship is usually a special one since every play starts with the hike from center to QB. Anyway, I notice the quarterback and his twin brother, across the room at the reunion. I come up from behind and put him in a bear hug. He turns around, gives me the once around and says "who the hell are you". I started cracking up. He then looks at my nametags. The look on his face was priceless. "Holy sh..", Kovatch? Where's the rest of you?"
After that meeting, Mike (the QB) basically turned into my date, dragging me around the room to show me off to the rest of our classmates. I am proud to say, without a question, I was the center of attention the entire night. People I didn't even talk to in school came up to me to congratulate me and take pictures with me. It was probably the closest I've ever come to or will ever come to feeling like a superstar. I will cherrish that moment for the rest of my life. Sorry so long, and thanks for allowing me to share.
All I can say is thank God for nametags. Growing up, I was a pretty good athlete. I played football, baseball and I wrestled. I started playing football when I was 10 and I was on the offensive line, mostly center. I was best friends with my quarterback from my early years all the way through high school. In fact, we were on the same midget football team, junior high, freshman, junior varsity and varsity. I was always the starting center and he the starting quarterback. The center/quarterback relationship is usually a special one since every play starts with the hike from center to QB. Anyway, I notice the quarterback and his twin brother, across the room at the reunion. I come up from behind and put him in a bear hug. He turns around, gives me the once around and says "who the hell are you". I started cracking up. He then looks at my nametags. The look on his face was priceless. "Holy sh..", Kovatch? Where's the rest of you?"
After that meeting, Mike (the QB) basically turned into my date, dragging me around the room to show me off to the rest of our classmates. I am proud to say, without a question, I was the center of attention the entire night. People I didn't even talk to in school came up to me to congratulate me and take pictures with me. It was probably the closest I've ever come to or will ever come to feeling like a superstar. I will cherrish that moment for the rest of my life. Sorry so long, and thanks for allowing me to share.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
As you all know I am the old fart here. I just went to my 30th reunion this year and it was a blast. We have been getting together regularly since and are planning our 31st since we all want to do this every year now. I am going home this weekend for my grade school reunion. I am sooo looking forward to it. My sister will be there and I haven't seen her since Christmas. Don't know what to wear but I know it will be fun.
You are a Spring chicken compared to me! My 35th was last year. I went to the first 5, but none since. Some friends of mine went and found it interesting. I think it makes a difference on how you felt about some of the people you went to school with. Most of the people I really care about, I have stayed in contact with. It always amazed me that the people who would would not say boo to me in school, would run up and given me a big hug as though they really missed me. (I think not!) I also think it makes a difference on how you feel about yourself. If my next reunion was this year, I would most likely go. We have all been accomplishing so much that it is fun to "show and tell" our success!
I know what you mean. The hottest guy in our class actually talked to me - I was floored. It was also fun to see all of his HS babes that looked terrible now. Too bad my HS boyfriend wasn't there. That would have been fun to see the look on his face. You are sooo right - It's all in the way you feel about yourself. Go with confidence and it will be ok.
He guys,
My 20th is next year as well and it's funny you brought this up because I was just talking to my BFF about it and wondering if she heard anything about it yet. I really want the surgery this year so I can wow them next year. I was always really thin so if I go back I may have the opposite reaction to you Andy. Who are you??? But I'm so loking forward to it. I had so much fun in high school. It will be nice to see how pepole have changed and what they are up to since I haven't been to any of them so far. Guess I'll get on the phone this week and see what the commitee has planned.
My 20th is next year as well and it's funny you brought this up because I was just talking to my BFF about it and wondering if she heard anything about it yet. I really want the surgery this year so I can wow them next year. I was always really thin so if I go back I may have the opposite reaction to you Andy. Who are you??? But I'm so loking forward to it. I had so much fun in high school. It will be nice to see how pepole have changed and what they are up to since I haven't been to any of them so far. Guess I'll get on the phone this week and see what the commitee has planned.
Not to be caddy....but I'm gonna be....I went to my 20th this past October, about 8 months post op, and back down to the weight that I was in Middle School. I bought the outfit of outfits, and went in, head held high, looking and feeling awesome. To my surprise, I was thinner than ALL of the *****iest of the HS *****es (the evil ones that made the MOO sounds behind my back), and hadn't aged nearly as much as all of the guys that would never ask a fat chick out. So HELL YEA I went to my reunion, and I'll go to the next one too. All of the tears throughout middle and high school - I earned it!