new to md board

No i went through all of the preops and test before found out i had hernia had it operated on and then went back to the doc tto see if i could get it done he was afraid i would die on table, then my comorbities got worse diabetes and tryglicerides and chol hit the roof been doing pills shots and all but nothing bringing it down now the surgery is mostly for the cure of my comorbidities, guess i should say yaaaaaaaaaaaa , i am 5 foot 218lbs diabetic 2 trys are like 2100 chol is 600 sugar is calming some, but i do wan the surgery so its like dam if i dont dam if i do lol im going for it . Dr Vanguri is a well know surgeon with weigh loss had done over 1500 of them like 55 open and more laproscopic he is one of the few that c an reverse it if needed.
Also, welcome to the Maryland Board. This is a great bunch of people, very positive and very supportive.
I was really intimidated by the exercise thing too. I have bad knees, could not even walk in a store unless it had a cart to lean on. When I finally bit the bullet and researched gyms, I found one that made me feel comfortable. It was very hard in the beginning. However, I was able to build up to a regular workout routine before surgery. To my surprise my stamina improved. Since surgery, as I have lost weight, I have found that I am able to do more and more all the time. One of my favorite things is working out in the pool. This type of exercise is low impact, yet quite effective. I got over my insecurities about wearing a swimsuit as I realized there were a lot of people like me. This may require some further research to find out what is available in your area. Most organizations are willing to work with each individual and their limitations to help them in the safest, most reasonable way possible. Please do not give up on this. Exercise is so important to this process.
Best Wishes