How offended should I be??
Although I think you look terrific, I was wondering if you have ever expressed any dissatifcations with any parts of your body as you have lost weight. Have you ever said anything in the past to indicate that you wish certain body parts had gone back differently than they did? I do think this person's comments were highly insulting. At the same time, I wonder if she thoguht she was being supportive in a totally inefficient, inept way.
I say this only because you mention that you have had a good relationship with this person before now. And I know I have said things like this about myself as I progress on this journey. We are often quite hard on ourselves. Yes, I know that these were the risks and I definitely do not regret the path I have taken.
If it is not possible that this was her motive, then I agree, she is totally off her rocker!
I say this only because you mention that you have had a good relationship with this person before now. And I know I have said things like this about myself as I progress on this journey. We are often quite hard on ourselves. Yes, I know that these were the risks and I definitely do not regret the path I have taken.
If it is not possible that this was her motive, then I agree, she is totally off her rocker!