Good morning Maryland,
I sure hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was a little, shall we say, on the hot side. It's supposed to continue today, a high of around 95 from what I saw. I spent the weekend up in PA picking up the last of my stuff, just a couple odds and ends. I crashed at my sister's house and had my son for the weekend. We went to a local swimming place that has a HUGE pool and a lake where you can rent canoes and sailboats, go swimming, that sort of stuff. We had a blast. The water was perfect, despite the high temperatures.
Today is a good day to recommitt yourself to your exercise program, or, if you have stayed on track, to continue forward. Today is Monday. Let's suck it up Maryland and make a solid 5 day committment. I am hereby declaring this week "No skipping a day" exercise week. I don't care how light of a day it is, beginning today, make the effort to do something every day this week. You'll be amazed how good you feel at the end of the week.
For me, I've already taken the dog for a walk and I plan on a 5 mile jog today, hopefully before it gets too hot. If I don't get out before the mercury skyrockets, I'll wait until the sun goes down tonight. Please keep that in mind. If you can get out this morning, you're better off doing that. If not, don't go passing out on me by trying to do too much during the afternoon, just wait until after dinner tonight. It's a good way to walk off dinner and get your exercise in as well. Those of you that are a member of a gym, then you don't have to worry about that. I'm STILL gym-searching. Hope you all have a great day and remember to stay hydrated, stay strong and stay focused.
I sure hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was a little, shall we say, on the hot side. It's supposed to continue today, a high of around 95 from what I saw. I spent the weekend up in PA picking up the last of my stuff, just a couple odds and ends. I crashed at my sister's house and had my son for the weekend. We went to a local swimming place that has a HUGE pool and a lake where you can rent canoes and sailboats, go swimming, that sort of stuff. We had a blast. The water was perfect, despite the high temperatures.
Today is a good day to recommitt yourself to your exercise program, or, if you have stayed on track, to continue forward. Today is Monday. Let's suck it up Maryland and make a solid 5 day committment. I am hereby declaring this week "No skipping a day" exercise week. I don't care how light of a day it is, beginning today, make the effort to do something every day this week. You'll be amazed how good you feel at the end of the week.
For me, I've already taken the dog for a walk and I plan on a 5 mile jog today, hopefully before it gets too hot. If I don't get out before the mercury skyrockets, I'll wait until the sun goes down tonight. Please keep that in mind. If you can get out this morning, you're better off doing that. If not, don't go passing out on me by trying to do too much during the afternoon, just wait until after dinner tonight. It's a good way to walk off dinner and get your exercise in as well. Those of you that are a member of a gym, then you don't have to worry about that. I'm STILL gym-searching. Hope you all have a great day and remember to stay hydrated, stay strong and stay focused.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
this weekend i didn't do any formal exercise. i'm disappointed w/ myself but i did do alot of stuff during the weekend so i definitely worked myself out. but not to fear, today i am going to exercise w/ my personal trainer. my plan is to exercise at work three days a week and swim the other two days.
I applaud the no skipping idea. But Wednesday there is a support group that I am going to instead. But I will commit to the other days. I am most structured during the week. I always bring my stuff for the gym with me to work, because I know if I go home first, I will msot likely not make it. Besides, I don't usually leave wor****il 6 or 6:30pm anyway, so this is more efficient.
I do try and do this everyweek anyway but will commit publicly to do this this week.
Tonight will be treadmill/weightcircut then Pilates
Tomorrow and Thursday cardio/weight and aqua pilates and aerobics ( three hours at least)
Wens will be treadmill/ cardio and maybe a aqua pilates class
Friday hmm weight and cardio again
Tonight will be treadmill/weightcircut then Pilates
Tomorrow and Thursday cardio/weight and aqua pilates and aerobics ( three hours at least)
Wens will be treadmill/ cardio and maybe a aqua pilates class
Friday hmm weight and cardio again
Crazy weekend IN THE HEAT. My work had a picnic Saturday at Padonia Park with a softball game. I ended up playing 9 innings after biking 13 miles in the morning - I was exhausted on SUNDAY. The whole family slept until 9:45AM - I haven't done that since I was 15! Sunday afternoon we biked to ARTSCAPE - 15 miles roundtrip. Today went to gym - lifted about 15 minutes and elliptical for 30 minutes. Needless to say I'm done 3 lbs. from the weekend but I'm sure I'll put some of that back on.
Doing a walk/light jog tonight after the sun goes down....that way I don't pass out on the road somewhere and get eaten by wild animals!!! LOL I have to do something and even more so right now at the start of this dang 5DPT!!! It really is mind over matter but the mouth wants to chew on something! LOL Sooooooooooooooooo going to walk/jog the frustration right out of me!