Approved and got a date!
I'm finally approved and have a date...August 15....Yayyy!!! I think? I have such mixed emotions. I want this so badly, but the unknown really scares me. Looking forward to better health and a long life with my kids and hubby, but scared of the pain of severing my life long relationship with food. But, I know I can do this especially with some of the great folks I've met here on the board and in the Crofton support group. Kim : )
CONGRADS KIM!!!!!! That is GREAT! I think all of us have had the same fears as you and I know I still do but once you start to see the results you will be SO GLAD you did it!!! Everyone I know personally who has done WLS has said they would do it again in a heartbeat!!! You will have a lot of support on here and you will be FINE!!! ") BEST OF LUCK! ~Jilly~
Congrats!! This time will just fly by. Don't blink, your day will be here before you know it. The mixed emotions are so normal. I didn't have them, but NOW sometimes I do. I thought since I wanted it so bad, it would be so easy to change my habits. I will say it is worth changing the habits, but it is a lot of work to do so. We're all here for you, and know you'll do just great!