I'm home.

on 7/18/08 11:46 am - Aiken, SC
Thank you all for your well wishes! 

I came home on Wednesday but I still feel so awful i haven't really been online or done much of anything besides ***** and moan.

Because I am tired, here is a brief (ha!) story:

Fri morning I woke to NP from Dr. Moein's office calling.  I was laying in bed speaking to her.  She was calling to schedule me for an endosopy.  So I was happy to have finally gotten a response and that things were going to be moving ahead and maybe I'd get answers to why I couldn't really eat food.

Well, I laid there for a few minutes thinking that I must have slept on my shoulder wrong because it hurt so much.  I called my H to tell him of my appt and told him something wasn't right and I wasn't feeling well. I guess he could tell because he said he was leaving work right then (it was only 930 or so) and that I should call 911.  Well, I hadn't taken a shower, so I refused.

Then the pain subsided a little, so I called my mom to tell her about my appt.  (Everyone had been anxious to hear) and after a few minutes the pain got so bad, I was asking her "So how do you know when you are having a heart attack?" So she made me hang up and call 911.  My shoulder, chest and abdomen hurt so bad.  So I called and realized my front door was locked.  So I got off the phone and called my ILs to ask them to come unlock it (they are about 10 min away).  But then I realized I was naked except for underwear.  So I managed to get up and change in to clean undies and a pair of sweats and tshirt.  Then I made it to the living room to unlock the door and waited on the couch.  Somewhere in that mess I called my H and told him I had called 911.  So the paramedics came and the stretcher wouldn't fit through my front door (the way it curves) and I had to walk out and get in the ambulance.

I guess they did vitals and saw I wasn't having a heart attack, so they used no sirens or went around traffic.  They got me in an ER room and got a gown on me and did an EKG. Just then, my inlaws showed up (they weren't there in time to unlock the door).  Then my H came in abou 30 min later (he works an hour+ away).

Well, then I started having more severe pains and was crying and begging the nurses to help me.  They were all pretty rude and dismissive.  I ended up taking everything off (monitors, etc) aside from my gown, which I only had covering my chest because I was so hot. My H and MIL took turns fanning me.  Finally a nuse gave me some Toradol and antinausea (even though I wasn't nauseous).  That didn't do anything.  I was just screaming and screaming at this point.  Cursing, begging, pleading.  My MIL was out in the hall begging nurses to help me.  At one point she said "She needs help, she in PAIN!" and the nurse said "Everyone here is in pain." in a super snotty tone.

Well, I guess the doc came in and decided I seemed in pain enough to look at me.  She gave me a shot of morphine, which didn't take the pain away, but certainly took the edge off.  Then they sent me for chest x-ray and saw free air.  She said that equalled a leak, but had no idea where.

Then they got me a CT Scan which confirmed leak.

During all of this (it is a bit hazy) ER doc came in and said that she spoke with Dr. Moein and he was refusing to treat me.  So I'm flipping, my H is flipping.  He calls Dr. Moein directly and Dr. M says that he doesn't want me transferred to GBMC (to him) because I was in a life-threatening position, and it could take upwards of 6 hours to get me into surgery.  Plus transporting me was dangerous.  I understood. 

After I was diagnosed, the nurses became a lot nicer.  My H and his dad went out to walk his and our dogs and eat.  When they got back, the surgeon came in and said he didn't know where the leak was, so he was going to have to an emergency open exploratory procedure. 

He said it could be anything, but mentioned colostomy bags, which got me crying.  About 20 minutes after that my mom showed up, hugged and kissed me and then I was in surgery.

I don't remember too much after that for awhile.  I woke up in ICU. I had to have a perforation in between my stomach and intestine repaired.  I have a line of staples from my breastbone almost all of the way to my bellybutton.  Looks like a zipper.  So much for my laproscopic RNY.

The ICU nurses were great, nice and attentive.  Too attentive in the middle of the night, but I know that is their job.  I just wanted to sleep.

Then Monday i got moved to the regular area.  Those nurses...some were fine, but a couple were terrible.  One nurse tried to get me admitted to a physical rehab facility (we still aren't sure why) and threw fits when my surgeon wanted to discharge me on Tuesday.  He listened.

No one in that hospital was knowledgable of bariatric surgery whatsoever.  My H kept calling my surgeon and his NP, but the people at my hospital wouldn't really collaborate with them. The nurses were FREAKING because I wouldn't eat, but my surgeon said back to my diet from when I first had surgery (clear liquids, etc.)  They didn't have sugar free stuff (like popsicles) so i told them no.  I was happy sipping my water and trying to recover.  One nurse told me I was getting too much information "from the ouside" (aka my surgeon) and needed to just listen to them.

So I'm home now, but I feel like crap.  I can't get comfortable lying or sitting.  They gave me liquid morphine to bring home, but Dr. Moein said that is probably irritating my stomach plus it is making  me have bad dreams.  It doesn't control my pain too well and I am supposed to take it every hour (PITA!) 

Dr. M said to come see him first thing on Monday morning even without an appointment.  He said that he'll write me an Rx for liquid roxicet, which will be much easier on my stomach.  I had it after the first surgery and it was fine and worked well.  I told him I had some Vicodin from a tooth being pulled last week and he said try that.  If it doesn't feel better, he'll drive to a hopital this weekend and give me the Rx in person (since you can't call in narcotics).

So now I am trying to faithfully take my Prevacid (their suspicion of where the trouble came from - not taking it).  I couldn't take the Solutabs, but I am now dumping out capsules and eating them in yogurt'/babyfood.    Also in the hospital, they took me off of my Paxil, so I am trying to get back on that.  It has lead to a few rough days.  Paxil is hard to WEAN from and I did cold turkey.

I'm having a lot of nausea, but I am going to try the Fenergan Dr. M prescribed after surgery 1.  Drinking more pills/water makes me nervous, but I'll try.  I already had a dry heaving/foamies episode earlier and it liked to kill my staple line.  My shoulder (the original site of pain) still hurts when I cough/burp.  I am always having hot/cold flashes, too.  One min I am freezing, the next I'm sweating.  If I can just get some decent sleep tonight, I'll feel better, I think.  I have been waiting up at least every 2 hours, but usually I can only sleep for 30-60 min at a time because my body hurts so much.

My ILs have been a Godsend, though.  They were always at the hospital, and then Thursday and today they came and sat with me all day while my H went to work.  My MIL helped me up off the couch when need be so I could use the bathroom.  They cleaned here some and last night bought my H dinner and tonight cooked him some.  They've been taking care of the dogs and me and I appreciate them so much.

on 7/18/08 11:56 am
Glad you are home and they figured out what was wrong!

Hope you are feeling better soon!!

Boxer Heather
on 7/18/08 12:46 pm - Grasonville, MD
WOW...what an ordeal.  I'm glad you made it home, I'm sure you'll get much better care there!! 

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

Teresa F.
on 7/18/08 12:46 pm - Waldorf, MD
I want to cry that you had to go through so much pain.  I pray that it is smooth sailing from here on and also that you are blessed with some good days and pain free days soon!  Hang in there, I know that is so easy for someone else to say, but please know my wishes that things get better each and every day for you are sincere.
Terri F.

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you"

(deactivated member)
on 7/18/08 1:28 pm - Hagerstown, MD
Oh honey i'm so glad to be hearing form you. i have been so worried!!!! I really hope this is the end to your troubles. Just try to heal quickly and get back in the game hon! *LIGHT BEAR HUGS*
Jilly Durbin
on 7/18/08 1:31 pm - Pasadena, MD
OMG!!!! I just read that and had chills. I am so sorry you had to endure that, that had to of been so scary.
Without being nosey may I ask where you were at? Was it BWMC? The reason I ask is because my daughter has been admitted there 3 times in the last month for bad kidney infections and the staff was AWFUL! My Mother in law works in the E.R so I got her to get me James Walkers phone number. He owns the hospital and I called him at home and complained. Within an hour we saw a HUGE difference in the way my daughter was being treated and talked to. Its a shame nurses act like that. Im so sorry you had to deal with that.
Im glad your home and hope you heal fast. Your in laws sound a lot like mine. Im glad they are there for ya. ") ~Jilly~
Kathy T.
on 7/18/08 4:11 pm - Rosedale, MD
I'm so relieved to hear that you are home. But, so sorry to hear what you had to go through. It sounds like Dr. Moein is finally be responsive to your needs, which is nice to hear. I will admit to being first very angry, then a little nervous (what if it were me...), that he didn't seem to be responding to you or helping you through your concerns. I hope he and his team have learned a lesson about quick response. It does sound as if, even though you didn't feel you were getting the best care from the nurses, that keeping you close to home was the best thing for you medically.

You will continue to get only positive healing thoughts and prayers. I hope this turns out to be just a minor setback in your road to good health. Thanks for taking the time to update us, and let us know you're doing ok.  Best wishes for a lightening fast recovery, and lots more losing. I'm sure you're looking forward to being able to eat soon!
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/08 4:37 pm - MD
I see you live in BelAir, so I wonder whether you went to Upper Chesapeake or Harford memorial.  I have a friend in BelAir *****fuses to to upper chesapeake due to having a siminarly frighteningly ignorant ER physician and nurse experience.  Because of them his warning for heart trouble was ignored and later that month he was in the Union Memorial for the same problem for which he was well cared for, diagnosed properly and taken seriously. 
I am so sorry you had to go through that ordeal and deal with those uninformed apparently unskilled professionals.  Thank goodness you came through it OK and that you kept in touch with Dr. M.  Our bodies are very different after WLS and the ER staff need to be informed better. 

I hope you have a smooth recovery and heal quickly.  If you feel you need to be in the hospital again, please go to GBMC.  It's wonderful that you have such great family around you. 
on 7/18/08 8:53 pm

Thank goodness you are home now and on the mend. We were all so worried about you!!  Thank you for taking the time to explain your situation sharing of this information I know is hard when you are not feeling, but it gives all of us an insight as to what can go wrong.  Hospital care in general is getting awful for people and it is such a shame. I hate to say this but animals in the Animal Hospitals get treated better than we do at times in the hospital. I also have been the patient of some awful, incompetent care and it is frustrating.  My thoughts and  prayers are with you and wish you a speedy recovery.   Please keep us posted on how you are doing.  God bless your family they sound like such wonderful and supportive people!!! 

Taking the Journey One Day at a Time!Terri

Darla P.
on 7/18/08 8:59 pm - Timonium, MD
Thank gGod you are home safe and sound.

I was so upset to hear of your problem - I'm glad Dr Mo is finally listening  and dealing
with your problem.

Please take care of yourself and post when you can :  you have a lot
of supporters out here wanting to do what we can to help you
thru this.

Thank God also for your family who are taking such good care of you.
Darla     -



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