Just need a pick me up...
Aaron-Ok...you really made me LOL.......I feel better now....
You mentioned your a geek gamer...Have you played Starport Galactic Empires? http://www.starportgame.com/ Im a closet gamer ..Its a pretty cool game...and its free....If you ever get to play it Im on the server called Perma 5 (I think)...screen name is Rabidshecat...Corporation is The G spot..LMAO....yeah I got it bad.

I actually play city Of Heroes/City of Villains AND I just picked back up Diablo 2 in anticipation for the release of Diablo 3. diablo is free to play but I pay $15 a month to play COH/COV. I think I have heard of Starport Galactic Empires. I think i have a co-worker here that plays it and he tells me all about it. it sounds very interesting!!!

I agree with Kristen, get that stuff out of the house. If you hubby & kids want to eat that way, make them go out and get it and eat it before they get home. And don't let them talk to you about how good it was!
I can't wait for our walk tonight!
yeah my 15 year old is my main enemy right now....she is not fat/not super skinny..she has a nice figure but she is soo afraid that I will get thinner then she is....she is very self conscious of her looks though she never has acted embarrassed about me being overweight...
Like you said..She will go out of her way to ask me if I want taco bell or a cheeseburger or say do you want a sundae...and then in the next breath say "oh yeah, you cant eat that now can you"....