Thanks. You need to get more information for me. He wasn't actually friends with him but he said his friend knew him. Good luck and why don't you invite prison dude to come with us on Friday? It was pretty funny when Kristen told him she had a bad day because amn. fluid splattered on her feet - he told her that at least she didn't have someone knife her or pee on her since he works at the prison. Not sure if Kristen thought it was funny though. Compared to the two of them, my day was relatively mild. Thank goodness for boring jobs.
Possibly next Sunday the 27th. I will be getting back from PA and my buds will be in Myrtle Beach. My original plan was to go to my Essex bar - but no one wants to go with me. So I think SI will probably be better. Kristen, I'll be your CB anytime. Thanks for helping M with L last night - NOT! Actually they were getting off on motors, so I was safe. lol