So I hear that you are texting the guy from last night. He he he! That's so cool. What are friends for - so when are you going to pick someone up in a Solomons Bar and hook up Kristen and I? What happened to being chicken? Please do me a favor and tell him to tell his friend to let the guy with the baseball cap know that I am single. How's that for bold? He flirted with me until A came in and then he must have thought I was with him cause he left. wtf?
LOL Yeah, he's cute too! I will be sure to tell him to let his friend know you are on teh market!!!
When he found out how old I was he said something about me being in my prime. LMAO Not sure if that was a compliment or not. He's only 34! Dang A for coming in at the wrong time!!!! LOL He needs a good spanking for that!
That is good and bold of you and I like it!!!! Will have pic of roomie on Friday AND am looking around for you both! We'll have to plan a trip to SI area SOON so we can look for pork!

OMG HYSTERICAL!!! Was not at a bar......was at Chili's and the ONLY cuteness there was the waiter BUT he was more than just jailbait! I could have given birth to him!!! LOL Was a very cute 20 year old!!! Nope, don't know what I am doing.....Kelly asked me why I could be cute and flirty with the waiter but can't do it on my own and I told her it's because there was no threat of anythign happening.....I know strange but true