Okay, so it's NOT his 21st, let's just call it an anniversary of his 21st, shall we??
Anyway, Aaron's bday is Monday, August 25, so we're going to celebrate on Friday, August 22 at 7 p.m. (or thereabouts).
Please join us at Frisco Family Pub in Westminster. www.friscofamilypub.com
Caryn's family owns the pub - it has a great looking menu and more importantly - STEAMED CRABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!
It'll be a pay your own way kind of deal, and all are welcome.
Please let me know by Monday, August 18 if you can make it so we can give the pub a headcount.
And Aaron - just to feel like we "belong" meet me in the parking lot 30 minutes before - I'll be the blonde pouring the Jack Daniels into soda bottles!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!
Hope you can make it!
Anyway, Aaron's bday is Monday, August 25, so we're going to celebrate on Friday, August 22 at 7 p.m. (or thereabouts).
Please join us at Frisco Family Pub in Westminster. www.friscofamilypub.com
Caryn's family owns the pub - it has a great looking menu and more importantly - STEAMED CRABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!
It'll be a pay your own way kind of deal, and all are welcome.
Please let me know by Monday, August 18 if you can make it so we can give the pub a headcount.
And Aaron - just to feel like we "belong" meet me in the parking lot 30 minutes before - I'll be the blonde pouring the Jack Daniels into soda bottles!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!
Hope you can make it!
Aaron -
Well, I should HOPE so!!! I'd hate to think I wasted a whole jar of Dippity Do for nothing!!!!
Very Drop Dead Fred-ish, dontcha think?
Um.....a beaded necklace? Alrighty then!!! And if you choke on it, I know the Heimlich!!!!!!
WOOOOOO!!!! And the lines have been drawn in the sand!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!