Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Hell, if I would've known it was this nice every day in Maryland, I would've moved here years ago. LOL. Anyway, just like yesterday, today is a good day to step things up a bit. Turn that 30 minute walk into a 40 minute walk, that 2 mile jog into a 2.5 mile jog, that 45 minute gym workout into an hour. You get the picture.
For me, today brings a 7 mile run as I, too, need to up my program. There's a big difference between the 5-7 miles I normally run and the 13.1 miles in the half marathon I'm running in Baltimore in October.
Today is Wednesday, which leaves you three days before the weekend. Lets make an honest effort to put in three solid days of exercise. You'll feel much better about yourself. What are you going to do today?
For me, today brings a 7 mile run as I, too, need to up my program. There's a big difference between the 5-7 miles I normally run and the 13.1 miles in the half marathon I'm running in Baltimore in October.
Today is Wednesday, which leaves you three days before the weekend. Lets make an honest effort to put in three solid days of exercise. You'll feel much better about yourself. What are you going to do today?
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
Yesterday was not good for me, but I tried not to make it an excuse. I got to the gym. I started on the treadmill and my shoes were rubbing the back of my heals into blisters, so I took my shoes off and walked on the treadmill in my socks. Well my feet started burning. I pushed it to 18 minutes but could endure no more. So I switched to the stationary bike. Did 5 miles on the bike, about another 15 minutes. By this time, by feet were bleeding. Had to stop and go home because of the blisters (on the bottom of my feet now). But I was proud of myself that I didn't just quit and go home or not go at all. On the way to the gym I was in a car accident. (I hate that). So now I need to get my blistered feet healed, so I thought I'd keep riding the stationary bike and do some swimming. Thanks for the motivation.
Yesterday was not good for me, but I tried not to make it an excuse. I got to the gym. I started on the treadmill and my shoes were rubbing the back of my heals into blisters, so I took my shoes off and walked on the treadmill in my socks. Well my feet started burning. I pushed it to 18 minutes but could endure no more. So I switched to the stationary bike. Did 5 miles on the bike, about another 15 minutes. By this time, by feet were bleeding. Had to stop and go home because of the blisters (on the bottom of my feet now). But I was proud of myself that I didn't just quit and go home or not go at all. On the way to the gym I was in a car accident. (I hate that). So now I need to get my blistered feet healed, so I thought I'd keep riding the stationary bike and do some swimming. Thanks for the motivation.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
Hey Lisa,
My motto has always been "Quitting is not an option". But, even I have to admit, I'm not sure I would've kept going in just my socks. You made the most of a tough situation and should be commended. If you were that determined to get in a workout, you're going to be very successful in this journey. Great job!!!
My motto has always been "Quitting is not an option". But, even I have to admit, I'm not sure I would've kept going in just my socks. You made the most of a tough situation and should be commended. If you were that determined to get in a workout, you're going to be very successful in this journey. Great job!!!
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
EXHAUSTING DAY! Went to gym at 7AM - 30 minutes of weights and 20 minutes on Elliptical. Left for Hershey Park at 10AM - in park before 12 noon and didn't leave until 8:30 with 5 kids from age 11 to age 6 1/2. Lots of walking there! Not a big ride person though. Snuck in my own food and drank and drank and drank (water of course). Weighed in at 1 lb. weight loss for the day though!