but lastnight no dumping and was drunk quicker but a walk through wal mart and I was sober
1. That Tia is getting a well deserved and needed vacation: even though we will miss her
I know she needs this break from work and a change of scene with KB.
2. That my vacation is now 52 days away: but whos counting LOL
3. For my membership at the gym: not only because of the exercise but the new
friends I have made as well.
Personally, I'm convinced he's sleeping with all of those old ladies on his route, but hey, whatever it takes!!!!!
I'm living vicariously through you for your vacay!!! Wish I was going!!! No $$ though!!!!
Anyway Tell Gary Debbie wants to know why he didn't take the letters from her mailbox SATURDAY LOL! She wanted to know if he was on vacation : I told her no hes going
to be away next week LOL - she just loves your Bro
For Today:
1 - Winning over the demon (my brain) - I had a terrible battle with the demon last night. I must have walked to the kitchen 5 times, opening and shutting the doors to the pantry and fridge, I managed to fight it off. Now, I need to do it again today.
2 - Wearing dresses - I used to wear dresses all the time. Today, I am wearing a dress for only the 2nd time in years. I feel so good wearing a dress. It is a simple pleasure to be able to do so again.
3 - Over-sleeping - Sometimes, it feels good to over-sleep. I must have needed it. I did work extra late last night. I hit the snooze alarm too many times this AM. But there was nothing major that I had to face first thing today. Since I am able to work from home, I did that before I left for the office. I am now here and there is no line of people waiting for me. Yeah!
Deb -
Awwww, thanks, I'll miss you, too!!! We are going to do an OH girl's weekend in OC - we'll work on it.
Yay on winning the battle - this time. Unfortunately, it never seems to end, but I'm glad you came out the victor!!!!!
"You soooo talllll!" I crack up when I remember hearing Kylie say that to you!!!! When I used to buy dresses, I found that because I was horizontally challenged, the buyers thought I was EXTRA EXTRA tall, too!! I am SO not into the Little House on the Prairie look!!!! I am so glad you can do this and enjoy it!!!
I work my snooze alarm every single day. It was a joy to just turn the clock OFF this a.m.!!!
Have a good one!
1: Got a phone call from my ex husband and my son is acting out really bad and we are driving down to the Outer Banks Sunday to pick him up to stay with us for a while in hopes that he will calm down and get his act together...Not the best cir****tances for him to come, but at least I will get to spend some quality time with one of my children.
2. ITS WEDNESDAY!!!!! Half the week gone...weekend's almost here...woooo hoooo...
3. The ex husband's wife actually appologizing to me last night on the phone for tearing into me for no reason...thats what happens when she assumes things and doesn't talk to me one on one about things....still not really crazy about her, but its getting better...