Ok this computer crap is sucking the big one today. Work is sucking and it should be 5:00 already. Karen pick up the damn phone! I am so done with this day! It is a EVERYTHING SUCKS DAY!
I have to work at the hospital on Friday but I am still trying to work things out so I can come out and play. I think Heather is up for Canton on Friday.
Are you up for it tonight? If so, I'll go. I am getting sick of BB and the riff raff (sp?) that it attracts. Work out the details for Friday. I am sooooo there but not really up for going alone. The guys are waffling. I won't know until Friday what they are doing.
They probably will, I just won't know until later in the week. I wouldn't mind trying something new tonight. If not. it's more laundry for me and that is never a good thing.