Posting Help
Hey all! If you are having trouble getting the text box to come up so you can type a reply or make a new post, the fix for this is quite easy. If you go into your user settings, you will see a default editor closer to the bottom of your settings page. I think it defaults to HTML Editor #1. If you change that to TEXT or HTML EDITOR #2 and save your change, the next time you go to reply or post, you shouldn't have any problems.
I hope this helps (although I'm still trying to figure out how to stop this thing from double spacing)
It is a real pain in the ass, that is what I have to do right now. They messed things up Friday night on some patch they were work on. Send them a e-mail and tell them. It was fixed last night and this morning but not now!
Have fun with that, it is not working out that well for me, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr