What a beautiful start to the day. It's supposed to get near 90 and stay sunny all day. A perfect day for a nice stroll or a jog for you runners out there. If you can get out early, try to do so to beat the heat and humidity. You'll get more out of your workout this morning than if you wait until later when the humidity hits and zaps the energy out of you.
For me, I'm still looking for the perfect place to make my own personal running course. There are a lot of major highways around here so I'll be looking for a public park with a trail to be able to run. I'm looking to get a 5 mile run in this morning.
A little mini-challenge to all you exercisers out there today. Let's try to turn things up a notch. If you have a routine, let's say 30 minute walk, how about trying to up that by 10 minutes. Lets raise that bar a little bit. For those of you joining Aaron in the 5K, you're going to have to get up to 3.1 miles fairly soon anyway. Now is a good time to gradually increase your distance to work your way up. Nothing can stop you, but you. You gotta believe in yourself.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
Hi Andy!
I actually took a break yesterday to rest my stupid joints. My knees didn't hurt at all over the weekend when I did my walking in which I think I can get my 3.1 miles in an hour now. However I am feeling better today and will be going to the gym today after work and I'm going to try for 40 minutes at 3.0 on the treadmill!!! I never get out of breath when doing this, my legs just don't wanna move after a while LOL