3 Things for Tuesday
I was wondering what happened to Tia. I was going to do the post but decided not to. here is what I am grateful for:
1. Exercise. Yesterday AND today I've done some form of exercise. Plus, I plan on swimming tonight. I can't wait. It's been awhile since I've been to the pool. I just bought a new suit online. It's supposed to last longer, made out of polyester. I bought a 24 so keeping fingers crossed it fits. I am in a 22 bottom but am afraid the suit will be too tight at that size. I have a very large tummy. so keep your fingers crossed!
2. Cooking. I actually cooked for the first time in weeks. I've been ordering food and eating crap for the last two months. It's been pretty bad. But last night I made an Indian dish I love and it turned out really good. It doesn't taste exactly like it but it does taste good, so that is all that is important.
3. Protein. I've decided to push push push the protein. My aim is 120 grams a day. My hair is falling out and is starting to look horrible. I'm seriously thinking about doing a short do. Like really short. So today I've eaten 54 grams so I am on track to getting there. I still have another four ounces of chicken to eat, a cheese stick, and a power crunch bar. so that brings me to 110. That is before I eat dinner. so hopefully tomorrow when i shower, I won't have a handful of hair. wish me luck!
Hi Aaron
Today I am grateful for:
1. My supportive friends on OH & off OH. They always brighten day when it is not looking so pretty,
2. For the low humidity yesterday and today!
3. for milk thistle & oatmeal! lol
Have a great day everyone.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Hi Everybody!! Something was wrong with the computer and I was unable to respnd to posts this morning. Today I'm thankful 1.) That I'm able to post. Being a Lurky-Loo when it's your choice is one thing, being forced to be a Lurky-Loo - is torture...2.) My sister. She is the best sister - EVER!...3.) My OH family. Have a great day!! - Antoinette

"You can always choose today to be braver than you were yesterday."
-Star Jones
1. Echo Stress test is over and Cardiologist said I am fit for surgery. 2. Enjoying reading he newest member of my library, "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies. 3. The support my hubby is giving me each day.

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you"