3 Things for Tuesday
Im thankful for:
1. My pants being too big though I have not lost anymore weight
2. That dinner was cooked yesterday and laundry done (by my husband)
3. That I have wonderful network of friends that I can share my success and failures too...BTW-I ate breadsticks yesterday and chicken wings....(yeah I lost it...Im unfilled and can eat just abut anything....I need help DJ)
Today I am grateful for so much as always and sometimes it's hard to pick my top ones....but I'll do my bestest!!!
1. First and foremost today I am grateful for my dad's doctors. A few of you know that he got back his scans and bloodwork the other day and the news was not good. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2006, he is Stage 4. They found more 'spots' including on his liver, his PSA is over 200 so that means the chemo hasn't been doing it's job. Anyways, he saw the doc today, they are going to do one more round of this particular type of chemo then take it from there. I talked with him a bit ago and his spirts are good and he just sounded better. Thanks so much for all the prayers....that stuff is more powerful than we think sometimes.
2. That tomorrow is my last day at work before a nice long weekend! WOOHOO!!! My niece is coming in from Florida today and we are taking her to Hershey Park on Thursday then she is spending the night and all of Friday with me. AWWWW!!! I am excited to see the BRAT! LOL
3. I am also grateful for good friends on OH. This site and the people on it are wonderful and a daily inspiration to me. You are a good part of what keeps me going and motivated. Thank you for that!
Oh Heather! I'm really hoping this works out for your dad. I lost my grandfather to cancer a few years ago. I'm so glad we're doing this run/walk in october for cancer!
LUCKY!!!! i wish I had an extended weekend....like a year long extended weekend LOL! Tell me all about the coasters you ride when you get back!!!!
Thanks honey! Dad is one of my biggest cheerleaders and even with everything that he is dealing with he always finds time for me and my problems. He is truely an amazing man! At last year's Loser picnic my mom and dad came and got to meet everyone and I think the general concensus was that my parents are awesome! LOL I'm sorry about your grandfather. Cancer is an evil evil thing and yes, this walk/run is def a good thing to be doing. OMG The rides......I totally forgot that I will be able to get on the rides on Thursday at Hershey Park!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!