mini debate part 2
I wanted to post this question (sorry Jen I know you're the debate person...i promise this is my last question)
for those of us who are single and have been big all our lives, do you think that with the way we grew up trying not to draw attention to ourselves is what defines how we go about looking for a man? or has that changed for you?
as for me, i'm still reclusive and slowly coming out of my shell but it's going to be a long while before I'm socially confident. I mean I'm still a big boy at 375 pounds but nowhere near the behemoth I was so it's getting easier. Your thoughts?
Its ok Babe....start the debate cause I have nada today..:)
I will always be shy, part of who I am, but when I am comfortable I can be very outgoing. I am trying to be more outgoing but a major effort!!! People have said I have changed and I am more confident but I have to work on it daily. But I do know I won't settle for just any guy anymore cause I deserve the best in life because you never know when it will be taken from you.
Hmmm.....interesting. At my biggest, I still approached men thinking that they would be attracted to my supposedly pretty face and fascinating personality. Yeah, not so much! After a while, I just gave up and was alone for basically 10 years. Last July marked my first foray into online dating, and well, we all know how THAT turned out. But in answer to your question, yes, I'm more confident and don't always think that a man's rejection has to do with me - sometimes, it is THEM!!! It took me a long time to come to that realization, though.
That's not to say I've become some kind of sleazebag - far from it! LOL!!! However, as a single girl, I do appreciate that I have the freedom to choose and do what feels right for me - an option not available to all my married friends!! LOL!!!
So I HAVE changed and feel like I'm continuing to change - always a work in progress!