mini debate - for the ladies
Me too. It always turns me off. But now that I'm getting older, it might not be a bad thing. I think I've only felt this way one time. This guy showered me with the biggest roses I've ever seen in my life (weekly), took me out to dinner, sang to me all the time, called me his princess, bought me a diamond ring for Christmas along with a bunch of other things. Too bad they were all going on his wife's credit card.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
Ok this is the married girl chiming
They say all girls marry guys that resemble there fathers and I nailed it. My husband is a splitting image of my dad in many ways................he is big and tall just like my dad, has a sense of humor and became very independent at a young age.
He lets me have fun with my friends and doesnt ***** about it ( I think he likes it cause I aint home *****in at We both have our own lives and cherish our time together. he makes me laugh and makes me feel safe and thats what turned my crank to marry him
No way are we perfect we have flaws like everyone else. But were happy and in it forever.
I think you hit the nail on the head right there. No one is perfect yet many of us expect perfection (myself included). The flaws show up and they get on our nerves and they just gotta get away from me in a hurry. Maybe it's my thoughts about this that leaves me alone at night. I've spent the last 12 years living alone and quite settled. I enjoy my space and my privacy and to let anyone in it would drive me crazy!
I think a lot of the reasons for divorce is that people don't want to deal with each other's flaws. they see greener grass only to discover that they were looking through green glasses. We've become a society of instant gratification and disposal. It's really sad. My parents had their 40th anniversary on June 29th and that is amazing to me. I hope you two grow old happily together :) it really is an inspriation.