Good rainy Monday morning!! Well, I don't know about all of you, but our gardens needed the rain!! Hope everyone had a great, safe weekend!
Today, I'm grateful for:
1. Friends - Old and new that I got to hang with on Saturday night!!! OMG!!! That was just a blast!!! Heather, thanks SO much for allowing us to invade!!! The food was great, the company even better and OMG! the Kylie floor show was priceless!!!! LOL!!!! After everyone left, I said to Heather, "You realize that we didn't do anything in person that we couldn't have done on the computer, right?" and in fact, it WAS more like a support group meeting. Yes, I'm definitely up for more!!! My sides ached from laughing - can you imagine if we'd thrown a bottle or two of wine into the mix??!!! Shudder!!!!
2. That although transcription work has kicked my butt recently - I've built up enough comp time to tack an extra two weeks onto what I already have!!! WOO-HOO!!! Sometimes, I'd rather have the $$, but come Christmas, the time really IS more valuable to me than the $$!!
3. That after wls, I have SO much more energy. On Saturday, I was up early with KB, did a ton of stuff at my brother's house, spent 5+ hours at Heather's, didn't get to sleep until around 1 a.m. on Saturday, and after Happy was sick during the night (she's fine now), I really only got about 4 hours of sleep before I was up, off to Walmart, the grocery store and my brother's, where I helped them with laundry, prepping foods for the week and straightening up. Pre-op, all I was good for was a nap!!!
4. That after today, I ONLY HAVE TWO MORE WORK DAYS BEFORE VACAY!!!! That's for you, Toni!!!!!!! LOL!!!
Have a great day everyone!
Well this weekend was a BLAST!!!!!!!!!! and I have so many things to be grateful for today! So here it goes
1. All my OH friends. You guys are my inspiration and the source of my determination to strive to do as much as I can to get in shape. I love you all!
2. The picnic planning meeting. I was totally there in spirit and the banter was AWESOME!!!!
3. My weekend workout. It kicked my butt (literally....my butt HURTS! LOL) but I managed to lose a total of 5 pounds over the weekend.
4. A friend and I decided to go out to the local bar Saturday evening and it was the first time that I didn't feel like everyone was staring at this humongous person. As a matter of fact, I was NOT the largest person there! man oh man did that feel good. Also the weather saturday night was amazing! Great cruising weather.
5. After the workouts, my knees still haven't hurt at all!
Hey A!!!!
OMG! Yes, you were SOOOOO there in spirit!!!! We just cracked up at everyone's reaction - "OMG! Aaron's GAY????????!!!" Of course, no one that was there has a mean spirited bone in their body (well, except for me, lol!), so it was all said with a great deal of affection!! Damn those *****es for stealing your pumps!!
I LOVE the rest of your gratefuls. It's so easy to take things for granted - I can so relate to being stared at in public for being huge - unfortunately, the little voice in MY head tells me it's still happening!!
So....what bar? Apparently, there's a bar up there (Barefoot Bernie's), where a lot of our folks seem to find/get into trouble!!! Don't make me read about you in the paper!!! LOL!!
Visions of the Blue Oyster Bar from "Police Academy" and the gay bar scene in the Sopranos where Vito is outted!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
I'm SUCH an innocent - a friend of mine told me about The Crucible in DC, and I thought she meant she went to see the play!!! LOL!!!!!!