Oh it was special already and the sweat was extra! BRAT!
Maybe that's why the waiter messed up Karen's food....he was concentrating on your lunch special!
You girls need to go to your seperate corners..............................lol
and all I am hearing is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.................
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You crack me up into 52 different pieces! LOL
HMMMMM Does pork come in pieces or is it a one-piece deal???????? LOL I'm thinking too much this morning!!!!
Girl...you and your pork, I thought your meat of Choice was CHICKEN...LOLOLOLOLOL
LOL Unfortunatly the chicken isn't by choice! LOL I'm TRYING for the pork but my mind won't seem to let me go!
ok....NOW this discussion reminds me of the scene in Young Frankenstein.....
Frankenstein looks at the door while helping his assistant out of the wagon....
"What knockers!!!!"
"why zank you doctor"