new pics
Looking good! Keep up the good work! Wish you could have made it to Centennial Lake today but we have Hagerstown to look forward to! BTW notta wrong with having ample booty....this coming from someone who now has absoultly NO A$$!!!!! LOL God bless my WLS but couldn't I have kept at least a little butt????
I'm with Cira......ROTFLMnon-existantAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Well, you are doing great and it shows! Your attitude about everything is great and even with the parts of your body you are unhappy with, you have made such great strides that thoses things are minor little things in the long run. I know everyone has body parts they hate and complain about, believe me, I do but I'm trying to be better about it. I've finally gotten over my bye-bye arms for the most part and wear tank tops whenever I feel like it. That's huge for me as I had always been told that 'big girls don't wear tank tops' and that stuck in my mind. My boss put it in perspective, and I am trying to remember her words every's hard but then again, I am a work in progress!!! LOL She said that after everything I have been through and everything I have accomplished in the last almost two years that some sagging skin and loose areas are minor and I shouldn't ever let it bother me. That I should be proud of myself, proud of what I have done for me and realize just how beautiful I really am, inside and out.
Brother, you are beautiful, always remember that.