I want to get off work and go buy a pair of 4 inch heels, how do I learn to walk in these things. COME ON 5:00pm All the reps has these heels on today, I should be able to do this right?
I am only 5'2 but I should be able to work this.
Any ideas?
I am going to do this, WATCH ME!

Girl....this day is draggggggggggggggggging!!!! I want to go too!!! Meeting Kelly for dinner at Red Robin so that should be nice! Wearing heels is a cinch! I'm 5'6" and wear 2 to 4 inches all the time. LOVE THEM!!! I'm surprised with you being a shortie that you don't wear heals more. Just got done with the commercial. LOL Can't wait to see how it turns out and how much of me they actually use in it. Most likely will be only a snippit but that's OK, it was fun to do!
Kimmy posted this on the "other" board about PMS and I just about fell off my chair, I am so there right now! Too Funny!
I'm a ***** & could eat the Ass End Out of a Rag Doll!!! Help