HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! WOO-HOO!!! Even though I have a boatload of work to do this weekend, a bad day working at home is better than a good day in the office!!!
Today, I'm grateful for:
1. This board - I think we're one of the most supportive boards on OH. There' s LOTS of drama on other boards, and we just seem to be able to work through it, hide it or get over it. The amount of support is evident by the number of people showing up tomorrow night to help us plan the picnic. Hopefully, it'll be a productive meeting, but I KNOW it'll be fun!!
2. The man/woman in front of me at the DD drive-thru who paid for my coffee!!! Couldn't see the gender, but I REALLY appreciated it!!! I have done this on several occasions, and it gives you a nice feeling to do something simple like that for someone. Pay it forward!!!
3. That after today, there are 3, count 'em, T-H-R-E-E work days left for me!!!! I've got LOTS to do to get ready for the beach. I say bring it on!!!
Hope everyone has a good weekend. If anyone meeting us tomorrow night needs my cell number, pm me!!
Happy Friday sweetie :)
1. I guess I can be grateful for the shot I got yesterday in my knee. Although it's achy and sore, I know that in the long run it will be a better working instrument.
2. I'm so glad it's friday!!!!!
3. My boss and his boss are on vacation next week which puts me in charge of the department!!!! I'm going to get so much work done next week it won't be funny so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me next week.
Well, I'll ride the boat with everyone else this morning on #1:
1. It's FRIDAY!!!!
2. We had our 1st eastern shore support meeting yesterday. We had 5 attendees. It was great meeting the people from this board. Everyone is so wonderful here.
3. It's FRIDAY!!!!!
Jen & Tia: Thanks for today's discussion topics.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!