I'm gonna be on TV!
LOL What a hoot! Today we are shooting a commercial here at work for the dealership and I was asked if I want to be in it as a customer. LOL Sooooooooooooooooooo not sure when it's going to run since it's just getting filmed today but this is kinda cool and I'm not feeling self-concious of the way I look like I would have two years ago. Hell, I don't think I would have been asked two years ago!
Heather as of right now, I'm doing ok...I'm sure as the days go by I will definitely get more nervous, but I'm so ready to begin my new life!!! My last day at work is Tuesday and won't be returning till at least August 18. I took off 4 weeks...that should be long enough, yeah? Teri
**Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain.**
I got nervous my last day of work and actually cried when my boss hugged me. LOL After that I was fine until they had me in the prep area and they were starting my IV. I lost it and the nurse asked me if I really wanted to do this surgery. Right then I dried my eyes, said YEP! Let's do this thing! and the rest is history! LOL I took off two weeks and since I have a desk job that was fine for me. I just took it easy at work for awhile. Four weeks should be plenty of time. That way you can really start to get used to the new pouch and everything.