Great Debate Part 2-Tolerance
My family, on my dad's side, is overweight. I don't think I have become intolerant of those who are overweight. I always used to envy my younger half sister. She may have put on lbs here and there but always could work hard and get it off. Guess she just has a different metabolism then I do. The only ones that I don't understand are the ones you see on tv that have hit close to 1,000 lbs. I do wonder how "they let themselves get like that". I don't pity them, but do understand that there is a food addiction or something else(mentally, physically) there and that there definately could be a more underlying reason for their weight gain and not being able to do anything about it. I know from experience, you gain, you get depressed, you eat, you gain...etc...its an ongoing cycle. Will I push the surgery on anyone, no. Its their choice, but I will voice my opinion on it. It was the best thing I have done for myself and I know it works. Its difficult, but its the tool I needed to get my life back to where it should be. I got to see one of my younger brothers last night for the first time since March and the first words out of his mouth were "damn, yeah, you've gotten smaller". Definately words to keep me going. So, will I judge someone because they are overweight, NO, I have been there and didn't like it when I was judged.