Honeymoon Period is OVER
Well, it is true what 'they' say about the honeymoon period of the WLS journey. When it's over, it's over. It hits you like a ton of bricks and unless you have 100% incorporated great eating habits, good exercise patterns, and a total new way of life....it's harder to maintain. I slip off the wagon and am good at beating myself up over it but instead of staying off the wagon and saying 'screw it' I do get right back up again. That is new for me and something I am very grateful that I did do for myself. My PT explained some of it to me and said that now suddenly my body is changing and shifting again to where my absorbtion rate is different again. I can absorb fats, carbs, etc. again at a higher rate than I could before. That's a little scary but good to be aware of and do my best to not put the wrong things into my mouth. One thing that my sister said to me last night that I hadn't even thought of was that in five years my insides will be almost like I never had WLS to begin with so if I don't put and keep good habits into place now that it will be much much easier to gain weight. So, I guess what I have learned from all this is that ALWAYS work your tool, never forget and never get too comfortable. Things can change overnight.
I'm hearing you loud and clear on that one. This whole experience is such a behavioral change that you just HAVE to adapt to the rules and just get on with it. gotta eat to live instead of live to eat which has been my mantra for the past few months. There are days when my scales and I are at odds with each other.......but then there are other days when we're best friends LOL
It's very scary because it is sooooooooooooo easy in the beginning and the weight just melts off with very little effort on our parts. I haven't been a perfect WLS patient by any means so I know that no matter what it's going to be a struggle from here on out but all I can do is do my best, not beat myself up and just keep plugging on. This all came to a head when the scale moved UPWARD and that is the first gain I have had in a long time that wasn't on purpose. I had gotten underweight and had to put back on 10 pounds....but not now! LOL
Hey Heather,
That fear of being able to fall into old habits is a good fear. I am thankful for that fear. It is what helps keep me on the straight and narrow. Without that fear, it would be too easy to fall back into old habits that put us in this position in the first place. One thing I always make a point to tell all the newbies at my support groups in Pennsylvania is that when you had wls surgery, they operated on your stomach, not your brain. Unfortunately, you will almost always think like a fat person. It's what we've done for how many years prior to surgery? It's natural. The key, as you pointed out, is to learn during this process. I disagree that things can change overnight - its a step-by-step process to fall into old habits. First a McDonald's chicken sandwich, then a burger, then the value meal. I've seen it happen too many times in the last two years. But I get your point. Things DO CHANGE. It's up to us to realize why we had this drastic procedure done in the first place and take everything we learned and put it to use each and every day. Yes, we will fall off the wagon from time to time. But, when that happens, we have to learn to get up and dust ourselves off. Hell, I've been at goal for a good year and a half and holding firm, but I'm not exactly the ideal wls patient EVERY day. I just don't let one bad day turn into two, which, inevidably, turns into a bad week. Stay strong and stay focused.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
I have that fear and always will. It's a part of my daily life and in someways I am totally mental obsessive about it. The fear of gaining weight sticks with me every day. The weight I just recently gained, part is lean mucsle mass but not so sure about the rest. Clothes are not tight at all and I don't look different. It's odd. Anyways, during the last year plus I have learned a lot about myself, my eating habits and what being healthy is all about. Do I want to lose that? Hell no! When you are a newbie (and I was guilty of this) you really don't think about the long-term and what things you are going to have to contend with in the future. It is a life long live and learn process. It's what you get out if it that matters.