Oh Tia no need to apologize I was going to post last night but one thing led to another and well I forgot. Thank you for posting the update,
I have breathed a big sigh of relief..... eventhough the ordeal is still not over. She goes back for a follow up on July 23rd and then she goes for another viral load and HIV PCR test in 5 months from now.
I am thankful that the test came back negative. I broke down in tears and I have been thanking God every minute I get a chance. I am trying to stay positive throughout this entire time. I know I will be biting my nails in anticipation to the next blood draw.
I have not heard anything yet on the blood results of the tech and I am emailing the attorney today to ask if he has heard anything and if he had received Gia's records from the hospital.
I am glad that I no longer haave to give my baby those nasty meds anymore. Yesterday she spent the entire day smiling, cooing, talkking baby talk and having fun. It felt so good that I did not have to wake her up from a nice nap to make her gag and throw up with the meds. Yesterday she was a different baby just happy all day long. I was very emotional yesterday and I just could not stop crying and thanking God everytime I had a chance,
By the way orry that I woke you and thank you for always being there for me. You are a wonderful friend.
Thank you everyone for all the love, prayers and support that you all have given us.
Here is a smile from Gia Makaila Angelique!
Love always,

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal